The TikTok platform has given many people the chance to make a living. Many of them are earning a lot of money by getting lots of followers, likes, and more. If you are aspiring to get more likes and views in TikTok then you are in the right place. You too can get lots of likes and views in TikTok and become popular. But you have to know the best time to post on TikTok. There are specific times to post contents in TikTok. The TikTok users who are popular know well about these tricks. That is why they have got millions of likes. Know what is the best time to post on TikTok?
When is the best time to post on TikTok?
According to studies, there are some best timings to post on TikTok. These timings have higher levels of engagement. Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM, Tuesday: 2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM, Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM, Thursday: 9 AM, 12 PM, 7 PM, Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM, Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM.
These are the best recommended timings for posting in TikTok. So, you can share your posts with your followers during these timings. If you follow this you will get more likes and views on TikTok.

Why it is important to post at right time on TikTok?
The algorithm in TikTok chooses the kind of videos to post on the “For You” page depending on the engagement and repeat views. Therefore, if your videos are not getting the proper interaction then it means that the posts are not shared with many people. That is why the time of posting a video is important. It offers the people watching the video a good chance of increasing the reach.
How many times can you post on TikTok?
You can begin with posting one video a day at TikTok. It offers a chance for you to practice well and also learn how to perfect your content. Also, it helps your followers to remember you every day. The perfect balance to get famous is to post one to three videos every day. Posting more videos can be excessive and the followers will get tired of you.
Why is posting too much bad?
It is not good to post a lot of stuff on TikTok even if you have lots of content to post. You can create lots of content but posting lot of it in one setting is not suitable. Different people can engage in different videos. Then your videos cannot get lots of views or likes. If you post fewer videos every day then people will engage with it more.
Also read: What Does ASL Mean on TikTok?
Is Saturday a good day to post?
According to several studies, it is not good to post on Saturdays. It will not offer the same amount of performance as the other days. This is because for most people Saturday is a holiday. You may think that this is a great time to post because many people are free. But that is not the case at all. Many people prefer to watch TV or do some other thing than check their phones.
That is why Saturday is not the best day to post. If you are using TikTok for your business then it is a good plan to not post anything on Saturday.
How to know the best time to post on TikTok?

1. Know where you are audience is from
If you are using the TikTok pro account then you can get the analytics on your fans. You will be able to know the location. This will help you to know when they can interact with your content. If you want to turn your account into a pro account you have to do the following.
- In the TikTok you can click the profile tab. Then click the three horizontal lines in the top right.
- Then go to Manage account > Switch to Pro Account.
- Click next and then follow the wizard prompts.
2. Know when your audience is awake
You have to know when your audience is awake so they can instantly look at your posts. Learn the statistics of the audience so you can adjust the time of your posts accordingly.
3. Know when the competitors post
Social media is big. So, there are people always trying to compete with each other to become famous. You have to know when your competitors post their content. Then only you can get good engagement. Post your content when your competitors are not active. Then you will be seen by the followers.
4. Research on the posting times
Sometimes you have to do a lot of research on the times that will help you to get a lot of engagement. Keep track of when and what you are posting. Then check which is getting a lot of likes and views. Similarly, experiment on all the aspects of TikTok. You will be more aware of how TikTok works.
TikTok is somewhat different than other social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. It is more personal. Also, when using TikTok you have to be more focused and pay attention when using it.
How to get followers on TikTok?
First of all, you have to know who in your contacts are using TikTok. They can become your followers. Then after that their followers can become your followers. In this way, you can build lots of connections in TikTok.
You can send messages to your friends and know what they are posting on TikTok. If you want to find anyone you can try searching through their usernames. Allow TikTok to have access to your contacts. So, you can know who among your contacts are using TikTok.
Try the steps given here to get more views and likes for your posts in TikTok. Post interesting content at the right time when engagement is more. Know about the times when the followers are more likely to be active. Through this become a successful TikTok influencer.
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