If you are an active user of Tiktok, then you surely know that it’s no longer a place where you post cool pictures, dances, songs, recipes, and other stuff. In fact, this social media has become a place where modern slang is originating at a fast rate. Gone are those days when sickness meant illness. Nowadays, if you like something, you can just say that it’s sick!
Unless you are living under a rock, you’d know about internet slang. Almost all the users use them consciously, or unconsciously in their chat. In fact, abbreviating long words has become a norm among people. For example, we use ‘lol’ for laughing out loud, ‘brb’ for ‘be right back,’ ‘ngl’ for ‘Not gonna lie,’ etc.
So, now, there are TikTokers who are using a new slang, known as ‘asl’. So, what’s it all about? Give this read article a read to know more about ASL meaning.
Find Out the Meaning of ‘ASL’

You may probably be unaware of it, but the ASL meaning in the text is, ‘American Sign Language’. However, social media users had other plans with this abbreviation. Since the original abbreviation is written in all caps, they are using it in small caps to mean something else.
So, what does it mean? Well, ASL meaning slang stands for ‘as hell’, which you’ve probably noticed a lot of times in TikTok, Twitter, and other social media platforms.
For example, a user can write, “I was busy asl that night, LMFAO”. There were also Twitter and TikTok posts, where people wrote like, ‘I gotta be getting old asl because I can’t do this work fast’.
While a lot of people have internalized the slang and use it in their everyday speech, a lot of us are completely oblivious to this. Especially those, who don’t like to use any abbreviations in their chat, these can be really a problem to understand.
Here Are Some Other Abbreviations for Daily Use

So, let us enlighten you with a few more internet slang in case you want to use them.
- Brb (Be right back)
- TBH (To Be Honest)
- Lol (laugh out loud)
- AFK (Away from keyboard)
- Tldr (too long, didn’t read)
- XOXO (Hugs and Kisses)
- Ngl (Not gonna lie)
- Asap (as soon as possible)
Final thoughts
So that’s it, folks. Hope you liked the article and learned some new internet slang. Now it’s time to use it with your friends. Day by day, there is new internet slang originating that it’s becoming difficult to keep a track of them all.
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