Regarding astrology, people use the astrological sun and moon signs to discover who they are. Along with these signs, people also use rising or ascendant signs to reveal a person’s character and other factors. For finding the sun sign, you may require only the sun sign, but a birth chart calculator is necessary to find other moon and rising signs.
How To Find Out Sun Sign?

1. Finding The Sign That Relates To Your Birthday:
The sun sign is the easiest to determine, as it will only use your birthday. People will have only one sun sign, which you can easily find using the following list. So, you can go through the list and get your sun sign based on your birthday.
- Those who are born between March 21 and April 19 will have the sun sign to be Aries
- People whose birthday fall between April 20 and May 20 will get Taurus as a sun sign
- Those will have Gemini as their sun sign, with their birthday falling between May 21 and June 20
- Those who are born between June 21 and July 22 will have the sun sign to be Cancer
- People whose birthday fall between July 23 and August 22 will have Leo as their sun sign
- People’s sun sign is Virgo, as their birthday falls between August 23 and September 22
- Libra is the sun sign for people having a birthday between September 23 and October 22
- People’s sun sign is Scorpio, as their birthday falls between October 23 and November 21
- Sagittarius is the sun sign for those whose birthday falls between November 22 and December 21
- People’s sun sign is Capricorn, as their birthday falls from December 22 to January 19
- January 20 to February 18: Sun sign is Aquarius
- February 19 to March 20: Sun sign is Pisces
2. Sun Sign Reveals The Personality Of Different Signs:
Most astrologers use the sun sign to detect the personality traits of people. Furthermore, they use this sign to discover how people interact with the outside world. So, here are some personality traits based on your sun sign:
- Aries: Leadership, competitive, trustworthy, short-temper, and courageous
- Taurus: Stubborn & practical. But they value luxurious stuff
- Gemini: Interesting,
- Cancer: Emotional, caring, and self-protective
- Leo: Competitive, center of attention, loyal, and warm personality
- Virgo: Logical, practical, kind, supportive, and perfectionism
- Libra: Fair, works for justice, and is stable
- Scorpio: Travel-lover & fun-making
- Capricorn: Hard working, ambitious, patient, dedicated, & loyal
- Aquarius: Caring, progressive, and eccentric
- Pisces: Sensitive, creative, & caring
How To Find Out Moon Sign?

1. Get Your Exact Birth Date And Time:
Some people need clarification about the time of birth and they can get help from their parents or check their birth certificates. Moreover, time is crucial to check planets’ position during birth.
Thus, at least find a nearby time to enter your birth chart. So, based on the time of birth (morning or evening), you can make an estimate closer to it and enter it into the birth chart.
In some calculators, you can skip the time information. But the problem is that your moon or rising sign may vary accordingly, and you may not get the right sign.
2. Finding Out The Birth Place:
The birthplace is crucial to get an accurate sky chart during birth. This is because of the different alignments of the stars and planets in different places of the world. Thus, you need to know where you were born to find the moon sign.
3. Enter The Information In The ‘Birth Chart Calculator:
You must search for the birth chart calculator online and provide the details. Some of them include birth date, time, and city. After providing the data, press ‘Enter’ and wait for your moon sign. Now, you will get the moon sign and can check your personality trait from that sign.
How To Find Out Ascendant Or Rising Sign?

1. Finding Out Your Rising Sign On The Birth Chart:
One will see this sign near the sun and moon signs, which is why it comes as one of the big three signs. Also, you will find a rising sign to be the same as the sun or moon sign. But the thing is that it is completely different from the other two signs.
2. Learn About Personality Using Rising Sign:
To know about the rising star, do a web search and get some interesting facts about you. This sign is a combination of the sun and moon signs. Coming to this sign will represent things about how other people see you. It is in terms of choices, actions, character, etc.
Consider, if the rising sign is Gemini, people think you are talkative and witty. While if the rising sign is Cancer, people may think you are hard.
3. Read The Descriptions Of The Rising Sign:
The sun sign is the one that represents people’s obvious traits. But the moon sign represents people’s emotional needs and traits. Coming to the rising sign will help you to get what others think about you.
Thus, based on the birth chart, you can learn how the three signs work together. To know more about the combination of these three signs, you can search on the internet.
For instance, people having Gemini moon, Virgo sun, and Virgo rising signs may have these qualities like logistical and practical mostly. Also, people with Virgo rising signs are emotional, fun-making, and curious. This is how others think about you when you have a rising star to be Virgo.
The Bottom Line:
The above article provides the easiest ways to find your sun, moon, rising signs based on your birth date, birth time, and city. The birth chart calculator can determine your sun and moon signs.
Also read: How To Read A Birth Chart? Look At The Significant Aspects of Astrology