With a pair of scissors, LED strip lights may be quickly and easily cut apart. Copper dots are attached to the end of each LED. The LEDs are fully functional if you cut in between the dots. The LEDs can then be connected to a power supply via a fast connector or by soldering. All LEDs should light up in a vibrant pattern if they are all connected properly.
Cutting Apart LED Strips
- Determine The Length of LEDs You’ll Need.
There is only one long strip of LEDs. LEDs can be cut off one at a time as needed, but the cuts must be made at certain locations for them to function effectively. Find out your LED strip’s length before any lights are cut off.
- Find The Cut Line on The Copper Dots of The LED.
On the LED strip’s back, search for two copper spots. Each light on the strip is connected to the one after it on the strip by a copper dot. Between the copper dots, you’ll notice a dotted cut line. Select the line closest to the LED measurement you took previously.
- You can only safely cut the LEDs along the line. Some of the LEDs won’t function if you cut somewhere else.
- Use Scissors to Cut The Led Strip Apart.
It can be done with a pair of scissors. While keeping the lights steady, cut along the dotted line. The copper dots should be cut through. To prevent the LEDs from being harmed, precisely align the cut.
Securing LEDs to A Quick Connector

- Set The LED Strip and The Fast Connector in Alignment.
Quick connectors make it simple to complete the electrical circuit and can be bought with LED lights. A + and – will be printed on the LED’s back. The Connector’s black and red wires should align with the – and +, respectively.
- Pull The Plastic Bar ⅛ in (0.32 cm) Off of The Quick Connector.
Take one hand and hold the connector. At the very end, you will see a small plastic bar that is often black. To unlock the connector, pull this bar forward. The connector is delicate, so take care.
- Peel Back The Led’s Adhesive Backing 1⁄4 In (0.64 Cm).
Just enough backing removal will reveal the LED’s copper terminals. You will need to cut the terminals’ plastic covering if your LEDs don’t have this backing.
- Cut into the plastic with a box cutter or knife, then scrape it away to reveal the terminals. Don’t completely cut the LED.
- Connect The LED to The Socket.
The LED’s end should be slid into the quick connector directly. Make sure the wires are aligned correctly. The red wire needs to be connected to the – while the black wire needs to be connected to the +.
- The Plastic Bar on The Quick Connector Should Be Closed.
To hold the LED, pull the plastic bar back onto it. When you release the LED, it should remain stationary. This shields the connection from harm as well.
- The Wires of The Quick Connector Must Be Connected to The Power Source’s Wires of The Same Colour.
Choose a terminal wire connector from a hardware store. After connecting the wires to the connector, tighten the screws by turning the connector in a clockwise direction. Connect the other end of the terminal’s power supply cord.
- Examine the connections if the LEDs don’t light up. If not, you might have incorrectly cut the LEDs. The issue could be that the + and – wires were mixed up.
Soldering LEDs Together

- Scrape The Plastic Cover Off The End of The LED Strip.
Get a good knife or box cutter. Make a cut in the plastic just above the copper dots where the LED ends. Scrape the blade along the copper dots to remove any remaining plastic after removing just enough plastic to make the copper dots visible.
- Solder Metal on Top of The Copper Terminals.
Metal solder wire is held over the LED with a heated soldering iron. Put the copper dots on the solder wire after it has melted. Make little puddles of solder that completely round the copper using the appropriate amount of solder.
- A Plastic End Cap Needs a Small Hole Cut Out of It.
Purchase a plastic end cap from a hardware shop. To cut the cap, pierce the closed end with a knife or box cutter. To make the opening large enough to accommodate wires, scrape away the plastic.
- Cut The Wires to The Proper Length, Then Insert Them into The Cap.
You must calculate the required length of wire to connect the LED to your power source. Two black and red wires that fit the LED’s terminals are required. Leave a small amount of excess length on each wire, roughly ½ in 1.3 cm.
- Instead of using the bigger opening, slide the wires through the little hole you made previously in the cap.
- Wire Strippers are Used to Removing The Wires.
Remove the casing from the wire ends, about ½ in 1.3 cm long. To cut through the wire casing, squeeze the handles firmly.
- Twist and Coat Each Wire End with Solder.

Focus on one wire at once. The frayed strands can be gathered together by twisting the wire’s end. Reheat the soldering iron, then melt the solder onto the wire that is exposed. For every wire, repeat this.
- Solder The Wires to The LED.
Match the polarity, placing the red wire next to the LEDs + and the black wire next to the LEDs -. Connect the wires with a soldering iron after melting the solder on the LED. Keep the wires in position until the solder resolidifies.
- To check that the wires are soldered in place once the solder has cooled, pull on them.
- Wires Should Be Connected to The Power Source.
The other end of the wires should be plugged into the power supply. Before testing the electrical circuit, the wire ends may need to be twisted and covered with a shrink tube or an end cap.
- To solder the wires to an additional LED, simply repeat the previous procedures.
- Glue A Silicone End Cap onto The LED.
Get a new plastic end cap. Silicone glue should be poured into it halfway. Then, press the cap onto the LED strip’s free end. Make sure the LED can touch the back of the cap.
- Test The LED Lights.
The power source’s switch must be turned. The LED lights should all activate by now. The wires might not be properly positioned if they don’t. Make sure the colored wires connect to the proper LED terminal. Additionally, ensure that the wires are firmly soldered to the LED.
On a Wrap
You got it, then! Any installation, no matter how big or little can have LED strip lights customized to meet its needs.
They quickly are overtaking other types of LED lights in popularity, which is understandable.
If you’re still uneasy, you can have a professional cut your LED strip lights, but if you stick to the above-mentioned instructions, there’s nothing to be afraid of.