Biology is an easy to score subject. It is divided into two sections – botany and zoology. Botany contains chapters on processes that happen in plants and zoology which comprises chapters on human and animal physiology. You can easily score full marks if you attempt the exam paper properly. Examinations are a crucial event in everyone’s life. However, it has been noted that students never prepare properly which leads to a low grade in the subject.
Read on to learn some of the useful last-minute preparation tips that might help you score great marks in 12th Biology class.
1. Mark the important topics
Prepare a list with all the important topics from botany and zoology. Mark these topics in the books and keep the notes of these topics together. You must understand and remember the concept. Then, apply what you’ve learned to make decisions regarding the information. Continue to work on them until the list is complete and you have a firm grasp of the concepts.
2. Mark important questions
CBSE exams tend to follow the curriculum mentioned in the NCERT books. Important questions have been observed to be repeated in exams. Make a note of all the relevant questions and try to answer each one thoroughly. This will not only help you save time but will also help retain answers in a physical form. Don’t forget to pay attention to these questions when you’re revising. Refer to the Vedantu NCERT biology class 12 solutions to check the answers to all the questions from your NCERT biology textbook.
3. Do not learn new topics before exams
Do not waste your time learning new topics at the last minute, as this will impact you negatively. It is recommended that students shouldn’t study new topics because this will waste their revision time.
4. Prepare a revision plan
Develop a plan that will help you with the revision process. Divide time equally and devote it to botany and zoology. Make sure that you give similar importance to both sections otherwise you may lose marks.
5. Attempt sample and previous year question papers
Try to solve questions from the sample and previous year question papers. These act as keys to success in getting full marks in the examinations. Instead of wasting money on reference books, use previous year’s papers to practice. Free sample papers and previous year question papers can also be found on the internet. Solving these papers is sufficient to improve your final test preparations. Take these papers seriously and solve them with a great amount of zeal. After solving them, do check for answers and assess the scores.
Look for your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the latter to improve your grades. Previous year question papers not only help you analyse the difficulty level of the exam paper but also enable you to figure out the repeating sequence of questions that have a probability of showing up in the exam paper. Sample papers are useful because they help you find out your true level of securing marks.
6. Learn the importance of time management
Final examinations are generally lengthy. Your biology examination contains two subparts. Make sure that you attempt all questions and can finish them on time. Divide your time approximately and do not be in a hurry. Try to write specific answers and avoid wasting time by including material that isn’t essential to the answer.
Try to study for more than 8 hours a day if you wish to score more than 90%. Practice diagrams and answers during free periods and reduce the sleep timing for 7 to 6 hours. This will provide an ample amount of time that can be devoted to both the subjects.
7. Write neatly
Try to write neatly as representations matter a lot. Practice your handwriting. Make sure it is legible and clean. The way you fill out your answer sheets has a direct impact on your grade. Answers that are neatly written receive more points than those that are not. Try to underline the important points of the answers and make sure that you draw neat and well-labelled diagrams as they offer more marks. Answers should be written in bullet points with equal spacing between each point.
8. Be calm and confident
Many students struggle to achieve good grades because they lack confidence. They get agitated and find it difficult to concentrate. Don’t lose your focus during the examinations and try to stay as calm as you can. Relax thoroughly the day before the exam and do not revise anything late at night. Sleep for at least seven hours and get up early in the morning. Revision should be based on your notes, and no new topics should be chosen. Make sure you practice your equations and diagrams. Go to school with a clear head and a relaxed attitude.
9. Read the question properly
Read every question three times during the examination and try to visualise the concepts. Make use of drawings or charts so that you get a better understanding of what the question is trying to ask. Write all the equations relevant and do not waste time on adding irrelevant things. Attempt shorter questions first so that you can give an ample amount of time to lengthy questions. Maintain your concentration and answer each question with the same level of concentration.
After determining the kind of question, devise a plan and write the necessary information. Follow the step by step procedure while writing the answer. Do not forget to write in neat handwriting. Make sure to give a glance at the answer for cross-checking after you’re finished completing it. Make sure you have attempted every question and not missed any detail.
With these easy yet beneficial tips, you will be able to score better and greater marks in your class 12th biology paper. It is normal to feel stressed and anxious before your exam. Don’t worry. Just remember that you’ve studied and prepared well and give your best. Good luck!
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