Since the Season 16 update, Crypto pick rate has surged in Apex Legends, dramatically increasing the popularity of one of the game’s most underrated characters.
Crypto has been a very low-pick-rate Legend since his release in Season 3 of Apex Legends, and he currently occupies the very bottom of the rankings.
Only a tiny group of gamers enjoy playing as the Surveillance Expert because of their frequently immobile playstyle and frequent switching between drone views.
However, Crypto has yet to be able to establish himself as a strong option or break into the meta like other Legends have.
Crypto’s popularity has soared dramatically in Season 16, moving him from 23rd to 13th overnight despite not receiving any direct kit buffs, even though he isn’t quite in the top 10.
After The Season 16 Update Of Apex Legends, Crypto Pick Rates Skyrocket
According to Apex Legends Status, the pick rate for Crypto increased from 1.3% at the end of Season 15 to 2.7% following the Season 16 release.
According to the statistics, his popularity has increased by 108% in less than a week.
This indicates that the Surveillance Expert has moved up to the 13th spot in pick rate from competing with Newcastle for the 23rd and 22nd positions in the rankings.
With Crypto only slightly ahead at 3.1%, it’s likely that she will soon pass Ash based on his trajectory. This change is unfathomable for a character who has not gained popularity or moved up the scoreboard.
Why Did The Crypto Pick Rate Increase All Of A Sudden?

Nevertheless, this raises the question of why Crypto’s pick rate increased so dramatically following Season 16? The hacker did receive some bug fixes and was added to the new Recon class, but he did not receive any nerfs or buffs in the patch.
To show all opponent positions on the Map/Mini-Map for 30 seconds, he can connect with modified Survey Beacons. Thanks to him and his drone, Crypto is a fantastic tracker for teams seeking to rack up kills.
Ending Up
Crypto has been given new life in Revelry because of the Recon class passive, which is undoubtedly one of the greatest features of the most recent revamp. So we’ll have to wait for a while and see if he can keep up his popularity or if it fades away in a few weeks. Until then, you may look at some of our other posts!
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