A well-liked video conferencing program is FaceTime. This program was developed by Apple and is widely used for video chat. Only iOS and Mac devices may use it. Users of FaceTime frequently wish to know how long their FaceTime session lasted, but they need to be better informed about how to do it. You don’t need to worry if you’ve never heard of Apple’s FaceTime. Here, everything will be explained. Because it’s so easy to interact with people using the same operating system, video and voice calls are popular features among Apple users.
What is FaceTime?
Apple makes its FaceTime video calling service available. There is no need to install the FaceTime software because it comes pre-installed on most Apple devices. FaceTime includes two features: FaceTime audio, which functions like a conventional phone call without video, and FaceTime video. Wi-Fi or the data plan on your phone can be used to make the phone call with FaceTime video and FaceTime audio.
FaceTime is a fantastic tool for communicating with family and friends. You’ve come to the correct spot if you’ve heard of FaceTime but need help utilizing it. FaceTime should work with an iPhone, iPad, or Mac PC. You may communicate with friends and neighbors and check up with old high school or college friends. Also, video contact your family members.
What is The FaceTime Call Process?

Using FaceTime on an iOS smartphone is straightforward. To initiate a FaceTime call with someone you know, use the green FaceTime app on your phone.
Check that FaceTime is turned on by navigating to Settings > FaceTime and making sure it is selected. Additionally, you can call someone by tapping the camera or phone icon, choosing FaceTime from the menu, or choosing a person from your contacts list. Make sure FaceTime is turned on in your phone’s settings before doing anything else if it isn’t working.
How can You Find out How Long a Facetime Video Call Lasts?
No, you cannot check on the status of active video FaceTime calls. You can verify the length of a FaceTime audio call if that is what we’re referring to. In this case, a tiny green bar on your iPhone’s screen will show the call time.
Before iOS 13, video chats using FaceTime included a green progress bar that showed how much time was left in the call. This is not permitted anymore as of iOS 14. The only way to determine how long a FaceTime video chat will go on iOS 14 is to wait until it ends. Several users claim that Apple removed this feature from iOS 14 because of interface problems.
How Long A Facetime was?

You must wait until the conclusion of the video conference to check the duration. Please follow the instructions listed below so that we may begin.
Activate the “Phone” app screen
Open your iPhone’s home as usual to begin. Find the “Phone” button on the toolbar as the next action. This option is often located toward the bottom of the home screen. Tap on it to begin the next step, please. This option is often located toward the bottom of the home screen. Tap on it to begin the next step, please.
Keep an eye out for FaceTime video calls

To find the FaceTime call you’re searching for, scroll down. When you press the “Phone” icon, a list of every audio and video call you’ve made will be displayed. Keep in mind that this call history includes the most recent FaceTime calls.
Press the I button
Tap the I symbol to check a call in the FaceTime history list. Your browser will open a new tab containing all the call data. The length of the FaceTime call will be shown once you click the I button. Verify your data use, call duration, and caller identification.
Why Can’t I See How Long I was on FaceTime?
The most frequent explanation is that your FaceTime call has yet to end. It would help if you stopped the conversation from finding out how long you’ve been on FaceTime.
Although there are a few reasons why you can’t see how long you were on FaceTime, we’ve selected several important ones. It significantly influences the length of your chat on FaceTime or strongly your alerts.
iOS 13 and iOS 14
Older iterations of Apple’s iOS devices included a green rectangular bar at the top of the screen. It went from right to left and was seen even when you were on FaceTime. If you use iOS 13 or 14, you probably need help finding the call duration.
However, Apple intended to make the top screen of their most recent version sharper and cleaner this time. As a result, the issue is just with your iOS version; if you upgrade, you won’t be able to view the length as you used to.
Technical Errors
Your smartphone may occasionally be unable to detect signals, sync notifications, or store them. In this instance, despite using one of the ways above, you can still not tell how long you have been on FaceTime. This is a technical issue, so don’t be alarmed.
The iOS operating system has changed
FaceTime connections with other Apple users are only possible using the same operating system. Suppose the other party has a different operating system. Checking the green oval bar to determine how long you have been on the call may be difficult.
To put it another way, if you have a different iOS version than the person you are FaceTiming with, they have a different iOS version. Sometimes, you need help seeing the green oval bar to see whether any software updates are still due. Go to Settings, select General, then select Software update from the second menu that appears.
Check how long you have been on FaceTime takes only a few seconds. You may quickly verify your desired FaceTime call’s duration and other important aspects. Use the instructions in the article’s stages given above. But only hang up the phone after double-checking the specifics; else, you won’t be able to. The iPhone has numerous functions that are very well-liked, such as FaceTime. Many consumers reportedly select the iPhone due to Facetime.
Also read: Methods for Screen Sharing in FaceTime and Shareplay