Many parents wonder whether they really can help their child’s development and if so how they can do it. It’s common knowledge, children’s brains develop at the lightning speed during the first three years, therefore this period of time is critical for learning, thinking, and obtaining problem-solving skills.
While a big number of children start showing the first signs of autistic spectrum disorder at an early age, some moms and dads prefer to wait for an official diagnosis rather than begin with treatment immediately. With such an approach, they not only waste precious time but also miss the opportunity to boost the growth of their child’s intellect.
Fortunately, parents can do a lot in order to encourage the brain development of their children regardless of whether they are just slow-starters or will be diagnosed with ASD later. It is important to act as early as possible – every day when your kid can learn something new counts. Here are easy steps to help you if a child autistic or not.
Create A Comfortable Environment For Your Child
Even babies can feel stress, hence make sure to show your child that you are always there to comfort him/her whatever the circumstances. Comforting a stressed toddler might be a pretty challenging task, that is why it’s very important to know all tastes and preferences of your son or daughter, as well as determine all the things he/she dislikes.
Start with creating a kind of comfort zone fully tailored to the needs of your kid. Eliminate everything that can be frightening or trigger disruptive behavior. As a rule, autistic children can’t stand loud sounds and bright light, therefore keep it in mind when you’re planning your child’s space.
You will also need to determine your child’s sensory profile, which means you will have to observe him/her playing trying to figure out the right way to join in. If you are not quite sure whether you are on the correct path, seek advice from your therapist or doctor.
Play With Your Child
There is no better way to help a toddler’s brain development than simply playing with him. Just a heads up, do not skip one very important step – let your child know that you want to play. Depending on the age and interests of your son or daughter, you have a myriad of options at your disposal, from singing songs like “Wheels on the Bus” and accompanying them with actions to using sensory toys, which are great for fostering a child’s senses, emotions, and motor skills.
Parents who are looking for a holistic approach to support the development of their child often opt for a special therapy called DIR Floortime. Short for Developmental Individual-difference Relationship-based, this model was specially created to help children with autism spectrum disorder connect while using their interests and passions to develop engagement skills, symbolic thinking, increase logical thinking, and improve interaction.
As explained by the professionals from, during Floortime, children lead the activity with their clinician or caregiver joining in and encouraging skill development within the world and parameters the child has created. The main advantage of this therapy is the highly adaptive nature that makes it an incredibly valuable option for children at all points of the autism spectrum.
Be Creative

Autistic children indeed love highly-structured routine and well-organized schedules, they feel confident when their daily activities – meals, therapy, bedtime – run like clockwork. However, things are a bit different when it comes to playtime. Of course, it also has to be scheduled but the playing routine should be kept fresh by adding new elements, changing toys, and adjusting the whole process to the needs of your child.
Repetitive patterns are bored and your kid might quickly lose interest if you follow the same model day after day. Be creative, look for fresh ways to engage your child – even a new silly face can be a real game-changer. You can also try some new sound effects or a different sensory toy able to help your son or daughter come out of their shell. At the end of the day, nobody knows your child better than you do, hence do not hesitate to use your imagination to put a broad smile on your kid’s face.
Every child is different, so are the things that make your son or daughter happy. However, parents can help their kids develop cognitive skills they will use for the rest of their life. Playing is the most natural and effective way to boost children’s abilities to learn, think, and solve various problems. Take it seriously and have fun!
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