The UK is open for business again. After 19 months of restrictions, Britain and its residents can enjoy a semblance of normality. Companies that have suffered tremendously because of the effects of COVID-19 and the knock-on effect of other related and non-related economic factors mean the shoots of recovery are very fragile and subject to change.
The fantastic news is there are several things we as a community can do to keep Britain open, and one of them is to express test, whenever possible. Matthew Aston, Director of Public Health for Cheshire and Merseyside, said, “The quickest way to get out of this predicament and to stay safe, is by following simple steps that can help keep infection rates as low as possible.
It’s essential now more than ever because we’re still feeling the effects from last year when there were several outbreaks due in part to people not knowing how they should protect themselves or their co-workers.”
Those most at risk and those who need to leave home for work, such as frontline NHS professionals, have received expedited testing thus far. Express Covid tests are now available to avoid epidemics while people are at work or travelling between sites, with the added benefit of encouraging others to test themselves regularly.
Here are 5 reasons why businesses need express covid testing.
1. Keeping the Doors Open
There’s nothing more depressing or economically terrifying than opening your business to have it close down again immediately. You can do several things to guarantee that employees are ready to return to work and deliver the services the country requires to recover.
Asking staff to test every two days means that it’s possible to plan if a team member becomes ill, and it is better to know in advance so that backup measures can be put in place.

Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash
2. Looking after your staff
Any business knows that they are only as good as their staff. Regular express Covid testing means employees that feel unwell will be reassured that they do not have COVID-19, or in the event, they do have Coronavirus, they can seek medical help as soon as possible.
3. Protecting others
While it’s essential to protect your staff, it’s equally important to protect others with whom the employees come into contact. Express Covid testing every two days means it’s business as usual. Everyone is protected, and the economy stands a chance of getting back on its feet. It’s important to remember while it may feel like the pandemic is over, it is not. Protecting our broader community is more important now than ever.
4. Embrace changing attitudes
For a long time, the UK has been in an open jobs market, which means there are more workers than positions they can fill. Since 2020 the employment market has changed.
In some sectors, hospitality, healthcare, and retail, there are more jobs and not enough people to fill them.
Employers have begun to realise that times have changed, and by embracing more all-encompassing attitudes, they can appear enticing to prospective employees. In recent studies by Glassdoor, a recruitment company, they found that good working conditions are as important as a good salary and perks. By encouraging staff to test regularly, employers show new employees that their welfare is paramount and all old and new staff are cared for. As a by-product, companies can expect to see higher staff retention figures.

Photo by Alex Alvarez on Unsplash
5. A well-earned break
All employees need a holiday and while the UK is a great destination to visit, those that live here know you can’t rely on the weather. Devon, Cornwall, and Norfolk have seen record figures in visitors to their holiday destinations – this is fantastic for our economy, but the British love to travel. It is now possible to travel widely, easily and conveniently. However, un-vaccinated travellers have more specific entry and exit requirements depending on where they are travelling. Families who have loved ones living abroad can travel to see them, and friends can visit the UK once more.
Going on holiday is not only crucial for our families, but it’s also vital for good health, both mentally and physically. Taking time out from work can help you get back on your feet. It will restore energy and mental resources while decreasing the risk of developing stress-related health problems, such as fatigue or insomnia.
Taking time off work may be necessary when experiencing high-pressure levels for an extended period because it helps reduce any negative impacts occurring due to stress over time.
The pandemic is not over, but thankfully the UK government has successfully rolled out the vaccination program and continues to administer these as required. Public Health England is still promoting the use of facemasks on public transport. It is still vital to wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds and use a hand sanitiser.
When meeting your friends (weather permitting), try to meet outside or in a well-ventilated area. It is essential to get back to everyday life, and that means testing for Covid-19 regularly. If you know your test results, then you can take the necessary precautions to avoid passing on germs.
We are living amid history. Lives have been lost or transformed in unrecognisable ways. We are all about embracing the possibilities as proponents of living in the moment, but keep in mind that forewarned is forearmed as with all things in life. Those who are aware that something is about to happen are better prepared to deal with it than those who are unaware.
Get tested for COVID-19 regularly and have a plan in place in case you test positive, so your future can be more meaningful than ever.
Also read: Mobile Test Automation Benefits: Top 5 Reasons to Automate Your Tests