Tic Tac Toe Strategy is something everyone wants to know. Tic-Tac-Toe is a simple game that provides hours of entertainment. But did you know there’s a mathematically proven strategy that can help you win or tie every game? We’ll show you how to never lose a game of Tic Tac Toe again. Continue reading to learn a foolproof Tic-Tac-Toe strategy that will always win.
You can either win or draw when you play first while using tic tac toe strategy
Start by drawing an X in a corner. When they get to play first, most experienced tic tac toe players place the first “X” in a corner. This gives the opponent the most opportunities to make a mistake. If your opponent responds by placing an O anywhere other than the centre, you win. [1]
You are the first player in this example, and your symbol is an X. On his or her second turn, your opponent uses O.
If your opponent plays the first O in the centre, try to win. If your opponent’s first O is in the centre, you must wait for them to make a mistake before you can win. They will ensure a tie if they continue to play correctly. Here are your two second-move options, followed by instructions on how to win if they make certain moves (if they don’t, just keep blocking their plays and the game will end in a tie):
Diagonal Line

Create a diagonal line that reads “X O X” by placing your second X in the opposite corner of your first X. You win if they respond with an O in one of the other corners! [2] If you place your third X in the last empty corner, your opponent will be unable to prevent you from winning with your fourth X
Alternately, place the second X on a square with a non-corner edge that does not touch the first X. If your opponent places an O in a corner that is not adjacent to your X, you can use the same strategy to block their move with your third X and win with your fourth X is one of the best tic tac toe strategy.
You will automatically win if your opponent places their first O in any square other than the centre. You can win if your opponent places his first O in a square other than the centre. Place the second X in the opposite corner, leaving a space between them.
Assume your first X is in the upper left square and your opponent’s first X is in the upper middle square. The second X can go in the bottom left or bottom right corner. If you put it in the upper-right corner, an O will appear instead of a blank space between your two Xs.
Tic Tac Toe Strategy: Third X
Place your third X so that you have two winning moves left. Because you have two Xs in a row, your opponent will usually block you. (If not, make a line of three Xs to win.) After that, there should be an empty square between your first and second Xs, with no enemy Os in the way. Fill in this square with your third X.
On a piece of paper, make a tic tac toe board with the letters “X O _,” “O _,” and “X” in the top, middle, and bottom rows, respectively. If the third X is placed in the bottom right corner, it will be aligned with the other two Xs.
With your fourth X, you win. There are two empty squares after your third X that will win the game if an X is placed in one of them. Because your opponent only has one move, he can only block one of these squares. You win the game if you place your fourth X in the square he did not block.
It is impossible to lose when playing the second one
If your opponent starts in the corner, force a draw. If your opponent starts his turn with an O in a corner, always put your first X in the centre. However, if you don’t need to stop your opponent from making three in a row, place your second X along an edge rather than a corner. Every game should end in a tie if this strategy is followed. In theory, you can win from this position, but your opponent would have to make a huge mistake, such as failing to notice that you have two Xs in a row.
In this section, your opponent will continue to play O’s, but they will go first this time

When your opponent begins play in the centre position, force a draw. When your opponent places an O in the middle, place your first X in a corner. If you continue to prevent your opponent from scoring, the game will end in a tie. Unless your opponent stops trying to win or prevents you from winning, you have almost no chance of winning.
If your opponent is on the verge of defeat, try to win. Your opponent will almost always start with one of the moves listed above. If your opponent places the first O on an edge rather than a corner or the centre, your chances of winning are slim. Make the first X in the centre. If your opponent places the second O on the opposite edge, your second X will be in a corner, resulting in an O-X-O row or column. If your opponent places the third O next to your X, forming an O-X-O line, place your third X in the empty square to block their row of two Os. From here, you can always win with your fourth X.
If your opponent does not make the exact move outlined above at any point, you must accept a draw. Neither of you will win simply by blocking their moves.
Tic-Tac-Toe Variations METHOD 3
these if your tic tac toe games are always tied. It may be entertaining to be unbeatable at tic tac toe for a short period of time, but your opponents may figure out how to defeat you even without this article. When this happens, every game of tic tac toe you play with them ends in a tie — yuck! However, the rules of tic tac toe can still be used to play more complex games. Check them out below.
2 Mentally play tic tac toe. Although there is no board, the rules are identical to those of tic tac toe. Instead, each player verbalises their moves and mentally visualises the board. You can still use all of the tic tac toe strategy advice in this article, but you may find it difficult to focus as you try to remember where the Xs and Os are.
Determine a method for describing movements

The first word, for example, is row (top, middle, or bottom), and the second is column (left, middle, or right).
Tic tac toe in 3D. On separate sheets of paper, make three tic tac toe boards. There should be three boards labelled “top,” “middle,” and “bottom.” On these boards, which function as if they were stacked to form a cube, you can play anywhere. [6] For example, taking the centre on all three boards is enough to win the game because it creates a vertical line through the cube. A win is also obtained by obtaining three consecutive pieces on a single board. To determine the winning strategy, draw a diagonal line across all three boards.
Combine this with the previous variant and play mental 3D tic tac toe to put your mind to the test. The first is “board” (top, middle, or bottom), then “row,” and finally “column” (top, middle, or bottom) (left, middle, or right).
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