Finding your style is vital if you want to feel confident when you are out and about, and if you want to show everyone who you truly are. However, if you are looking to find a new style, you may be worried that you need to splash out in order to get rid of your current wardrobe and replace it with new and improved garments. This is not the case, however, and there are many ways that you can find your style on the cheap.
Here is the list
1. Set a Clothing Budget
One of the most important things that you need to do before you start to construct your personal style is to set a clothing budget. Amidst experimenting with new styles and getting inspiration, it can be difficult to control your spending. However, setting a viable budget will allow you to spend with the knowledge that you have enough money to pay your bills and necessities this month.
2. Manage Your Impulse Buys
Impulse buys are more common in those that are trying to find their style, as you are more likely to try out new clothes and follow the latest trends. However, impulse buys affect your bank account, and so it is important to curb them if you can. You may be able to do this by avoiding shopping online, taking the right amount of cash with you when you shop, and avoiding saving your bank details into your computer.
3. Use Clothing Coupons
Clothing coupons can allow you to try out new styles from the biggest brands without worrying about the consequences. Not only can they help you to save, but they can allow you to get more clothes for your money, which can be a great opportunity when you are unsure of what your new style is. Kohls promo codes can help you to find your new style without looking at your bank account.
3. Shop in Different Sections
If you are feeling disheartened with the range of clothing in the women’s section, you should consider looking at the men’s and children’s areas. Often, this clothing is unisex and will still fit you, and it can open up your fashion choices more widely. Additionally, men’s and kid’s clothing is often much cheaper than the same items in the women’s section.
4. Use a Personal Shopper App
If you cannot afford a personal shopper but have no idea what your style is, you should consider exchanging expensive shopping experiences with personal shopping apps. These allow you to find recommendations, view different styles and combinations, and help you to browse the clothes that are on offer to you without paying anything for the advice.
5. Invest in Cheap Basics
Basics look the same wherever you get them from, and buying from cheaper stores can help save money which you can then use to buy exciting and unique pieces later on. You should also consider shopping around when you see an item you like. Many budget stores are likely to have similar styles for a much cheaper cost.
6. Use Vintage Stores
Lastly, if you are stuck for inspiration, try browsing vintage stores across the US to find your style. You will be able to rummage through fashion history in an attempt to find clothes that suit you. What’s more, the second-hand nature of vintage stores often makes their clothing much cheaper than other stores. You might even make older fashions on-trend again.
Images source: Pexels