Fishing is a very old method that has helped people survive. Of course, with time, it became a hobby and entertainment for many. However, it took ages and a lot of changes in society and technology. Discover how fishing techniques have developed from ancient times until now.
Ancient Time Fishing
Based on archeological findings, we can be sure that fishing had already started in prehistoric times. The confirmation of it is not only primitive tools that early people used but also a picture that presents fishing. It was carved in Japan on a bone between 27,000 and 29,000 BC, and it shows a man with a rod and a line.
There are also written records from ancient cultures, such as Mesopotamia and Egypt, that confirm that fishing already existed. In Egypt, people were presenting fishing and cooking fish in papyrus scrolls, as well as tombs. Based on them, we know they were using hooks, harpoons, and woven nets.
Depictions of fishing also appeared on Roman and Greek vases and mosaics. Native Americans used spears and wooden hooks to catch fish. When it comes to angling in China, using a bamboo rod and a silk line was crucial for people not to starve. We also know that ancient Macedonians used artificial lures that are very similar to modern lures.
From the 1600s to Modern Times
In the 1600s, fishing gear started to improve. A wired loop was attached to a pole. Thanks to that, a line could run easily, which meant that casting became much more straightforward. With time, fishing reels appeared, and that additionally improved the craft. In the 1650s, a man known as Charles Kirby changed the design of fishing hooks. He named it after himself—the Kirby bend hook. Seven decades later, these hooks were manufactured on a large scale. Kirby also designed a split-shaft rod, which could be taken apart and, therefore, easily transported. It was also the time of the gut-string invention.
The next big invention came in the 1800s. Fishing rods became thinner and stronger; many strips of bamboo were glued together to achieve this goal. A silk line that was already used by the ancient Chinese was now coated with oxidized linseed oil, which allowed for better casting.
The next century brought even more innovations. New rods were made of fiberglass, and the quality of fishing reels improved. In the 30s of the 20th century, nylon monofilament was invented, and just a decade later, it was braided to create synthetic lines—it was the first mass production of fishing lines.
In the 60s, a new rod material appeared on the market: carbon fiber. It made rods stronger, lighter, and shorter. It was also the time when plastic was invented, and because of that, artificial plastic lures took over the fishing world, slowly replacing wooden lures.
Recreational Fishing Now

Nowadays, the fishing market has virtually anything an angler can think of, from nets and hooks to various types of rods to advanced gear such as GPS fishfinders and even the best drone for fishing. While a wide choice is a plus, you might have a bit of a problem when starting fishing, and this is when FindYourFish’s expert insights can come in handy. Be sure to invest your money in good gear, but don’t go over the top. A minimalist attitude is good for starting.
Fishing – Modern Problems
It’s crucial to mention here the problem that fishing can cause. Because of advanced techniques such as GPS, echo-sounders, or fish finders, it’s easier to catch fish than ever before. Unfortunately, that means that a boat’s annual capacity to catch fish rises by two percent each year. Because of that, it’s necessary to release the fish you won’t eat back into the water.
Many people highlight how important it is to use nets with bigger gaps for smaller fish to escape quickly or to buy hooks that can be dissolved in a fish’s digestive system. While modern fishing methods can be exciting and used in the right way, many of them are causing overfishing and unsustainable fishing. It’s a big problem because a lack of fish influences many things. For starters, overfishing can destroy marine ecosystems, including coral reefs and other habitats.
Additionally, it can put many people at risk of famine. Even in the modern world, many people rely on what they catch as a source of food. When there are not enough fish, people will suffer hunger and be pressured to migrate.
As you can see, fishing has developed a lot over the years. You need to remember that while modern technology can bring a lot of joy and make fishing more interesting, you should use it wisely. Whether you are a commercial fisherman or passionate about casting the line, be sure that you follow the rules of sustainable fishing.
Also read: The Best Fishing Trips To Take This Summer