How to astral project? You’ll get to know everything below in this post!
During an out-of-body experience (OBE), known as astral projection, the astral body leaves the physical body and moves to the astral plane. Although astral projection can be done voluntarily, it is more common for people to enter this condition during illness or when having a near-death experience. How to get started is explained in this post. Continue reading to know how to astral project!
Preparing for Astral Project

1. Learn about astral projection
It’s best to have a basic understanding of astral projection before you begin so that you can plan for it and better understand what to expect. Consider reading about or viewing astral projection experiences from others.
2. Commence early in the day
Instead of beginning your astral projection activities immediately before you go to bed at night, begin them in the early morning while you’re still feeling sleepy. According to others, achieving the required level of relaxation and increased awareness around daybreak is simpler. There are no set guidelines because astral travel is available at any time. If we feel empowered to accomplish so, we can simply get astral travel when we choose to.
3. Create the right atmosphere for astral project
To know how to astral project, you should practice astral projection in an area of your home where you feel entirely at ease because it involves a state of deep relaxation. Relax your mind and body by lying on your couch or bed.
● Astral projection is simpler to perform on oneself than it is with a partner present. A room other than your bedroom should be your choice if you typically share a bed with a spouse. You should do it while no one else is there and ensure that nobody will enter the room while you are in astral flight.
● Distracting noises can be eliminated by drawing the blinds or drapes. Any interruption could prevent you from achieving the necessary level of relaxation.
4. Lie down and relax before astral project
Put yourself in the specified room on your back. Try to focus by putting your eyes closed and eradicating all distracting ideas. Pay close attention to your body and how it feels. The objective is to reach a condition of full body and mind relaxation.
● Flex your muscles, then let them relax. Beginning with your toes, make your way up your body, gradually reaching your head. In the end, make sure every muscle is relaxed.
● Inhale deeply, then let all of your breath out. Relax and avoid tensing up your shoulders and chest.
● Keep your breathing in mind. Avoid getting caught up in worries about the outer world or the notion that your soul might one day leave your body.
● It may be beneficial to use a quartz crystal to increase and quicken your vibrations. The crystal’s high vibrations will provide power and shield you from negative energies, which have lower vibrations. With closed eyes, gently place the crystal on your third eye, just above the middle of your brows. You can picture a golden, white, purple, or any other color of light if you like. Feel the vibrations and your head clearing. The crystal can be held in your hand or placed on your chest or abdomen for astral travel and meditation.
Moving the Soul From the Body

To know how to astral project, study the second part below:
1. Reach a hypnotic state before astral project
Don’t entirely fall asleep, but allow your body and mind to drift off. Astral projection cannot happen until the subject is in a hypnotic state, which is the border between awake and sleep. The term “hypnagogic state” often refers to this hypnotic state. You can get to this status by following these steps:
● Keep your eyes closed and allow your thoughts to roam to a body part, such as a finger, a foot, or a single toe.
● Till you can picture the body part, concentrate on it even with your eyes closed. Concentrate until all distractions go.
● Instead of physically flexing your body part, use your thinking to accomplish it. Imagine your fingers or toes tightening and loosening, or both, until they appear to be physically moving.
● Increase your awareness of the rest of your body. Use only your mind to move your head, arms, and legs. Till you can move your entire body using only your mind, maintain your focus.
2. Enter into a state of vibration
As the spirit prepares to depart the body, many claim to sense vibrations that arrive in waves and at various frequencies. Instead, give in to the vibrations as your spirit gets ready to leave your body because becoming terrified of them can make you lose your meditative state.
3. Use your mind to move your soul from your body
Get out of bed, make your way across the room, and then turn around to face your own body on the bed. You should mentally imagine the room where you are lying. As you stand up, mentally move your body. Observe your surroundings.
● Your OBE was successful if you felt that your conscious self was now separate from your body and that you were looking at it across the room.
● For some, getting to this stage requires a lot of practice, while for others, it comes as naturally as breathing. Regardless, if someone wants it bad enough and practices enough, anyone can do it! Try lifting just a hand or a leg at first if you are having problems entirely separating your soul from your body. Up till you can move around the room, keep practicing.
4. Return to your body after astral project
An unobservable force commonly referred to as a “silver cord,” keeps your spirit bound to your body at all times. Allow the force to lead your soul to your body. Enter your body again. Allow yourself to restore consciousness by moving your fingers and toes – literally, not just mentally.
Exploring the Astral Plane

1. Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body
When you have mastered projecting your soul from your body in the same space, you’ll want to ensure that you are in two distinct planes.
● Don’t stare at your body when performing astral projection the next time. Instead, shuffle out of the room and into another one in the house.
● Examine a piece of object in the adjacent room that you had never before paid attention to physically. Pay as much attention to the details as you can, and mentally note its color, shape, and size.
● Return to your body. Step foot into the space you previously imagined for yourself. Reach the object you looked at during your astral travel by walking there. Were the details you noted accurate during your mental evaluation of the item?
2. Explore investigation
Go to locations you are becoming less familiar with during consecutive astral projection sessions. Physically check the details following each session. Make a note of any particulars you missed the previous time. You will have enough astral projection experience after a few outings to be able to venture to wholly new areas with assurance.
3. Return to your body
Some claim that astral projection is risky, particularly as one becomes experienced enough to explore new areas, although this need not be the case. Those people simply don’t use enough protection, which causes them to lack understanding and fear. It helps to picture yourself enveloped in a bright, white light before astral projection. You will be safe from other thoughts and harmful energy forms if you visualize it as a cloud around or living inside you. You’ll have a positive experience if you ask for protection in your way.
● Additionally, other astral projections can communicate with your soul. Try it out with a buddy who has put in the same amount of practice. Mind-blowing, astral sex. Never forget to come back to your body, though.
So, this is the complete guide on how to astral projects! Give it a complete read to get to know about astral projection in detail.
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