Whether you have a brand new phone and are unaware of checking your Voicemails, this article might help you. It is easy to check the phone’s Voicemail, as you have many processes today. Also, if you have forgotten to check it after a long time, you have several methods to call voicemail easily. There are some common methods available to dial Voicemails for different phone models.
Do you miss calls often? For situations like those, it’s a good thing that it exists so you can hear what the caller intended to say to you. How do you usually check your call voicemail to see if there are any missed calls?
The majority of individuals have accounts via their cell or landlines. But when you don’t have access to a phone or have changed its systems, things might get a bit tricky.
What Exactly Voicemail Means?
It is like a voice message you send to a person when they don’t pick up your call, the call is busy, or the person speaks with another person. When you face these issues while calling someone, you can leave a voice message to tell the reason for the call.
Know More About the Features of Voicemail

It is almost similar to the features of an answering machine. But here, the main difference is that the voice is stored in a specially reserved server called a mailbox. It has the same features as an email, but Voicemail is a voice message, not a text message, as in email. Here are some features of Voicemail.
- At the same time, you can get several voicemail messages from many callers.
- You can send or dial voicemail messages to many people’s voicemail boxes.
- While forwarding it, you can add some intro to the message for clarification at the other end getting your message.
- At the same time, you can broadcast voice messages and send them to many people.
- Send different customized greetings to different users.
- Notify your Voicemail to the other user through a pager or cell phone.
- One can even record the voicemail messages on a hard drive and use them to send as an attachment for some needed emails.
Checking voicemail on Android (From Notifications)

1. From the top of your screen, swipe downwards
Your alerts are shown here. Further, at the top-left of your screen, in the Status section, you’ll see an icon if you have an unread voicemail.
2. Click on the New Voicemail notification
It resembles reel-to-reel tape. Moreover, your phone will dial the voice mailbox to view or hear your new call voicemail.
How to Call Voicemails on an Android Phone?
1. Open Phone
Select the green app icon with the white phone receiver.
2. Click on the Keyboard or Dialpad tab
Along with Recents and Contacts, it is at the row of tabs at the base of your screen.
3. Press and hold 1
This key may additionally feature a voicemail icon.
4. Enter your PIN or passcode
You were asked to create a PIN when you created your account to prevent unauthorized access to your voicemail.
- Contact your cell phone service provider (such as AT&T or Verizon) if you can’t recall your code. Further, they might be able to reset it over the phone for you and assist you with any other issues.
- You should be able to call customer service by conducting an internet search for your specific provider.
5. Listen to your voicemail messages
You’ll be able to hear your messages once you’ve entered your PIN accurately. Furthermore, each menu differs between carriers, but often there is a menu of choices from which you can select what to do with the message.
6. End the call when done
Just press the red “End Call” icon to end and hang up the call.
Checking on Android (Visual Voicemail)
1. Open the Phone app
If your mobile phone provider allows visual voicemails, you can view a list of them and listen to each one separately. To begin, tap the green app icon with a white phone receiver at the bottom of the display.
2. Select the Voicemail icon
It may be found on the Keypad tab, to the left of the “Start Call” button, which resembles a telephone receiver.
3. To listen to a voicemail, tap it
Checking on iPhone (From Notifications)

1. Open the Notification Center
Swipe up if you are currently on the Lock Screen. Moreover, swipe downward from the top center of any other screen; avoid opening the Control Center.
2. To hear your voicemail, tap the notification
You can hear your new voicemail once it opens in the Phone app.
How to check voicemail on iPhone (Visual Voicemail)
1. Open the Phone app
This app’s icon is a square of green with a white phone receiver in the center. Additionally, you can view and listen to each message individually if your carrier offers visual voicemail.
2. Click on the Voicemail tab
You’ll find it at the bottom-right of the Phone app with Recents, Keypad, and Contacts.
3. Tap the voicemail that you want to listen to
You’ll see the message’s transcription if its transcription is available.
4. To hear the voicemail message, tap the Play button
The Play icon resembles an upside-down triangle.
- Once you’ve listened to the message, you can remove it by tapping the trashcan icon. Further, make sure you’re alright with deleting that voicemail because there’s no way to undo this.
- You can visit the Deleted Texts section and tap Undelete on any messages you don’t want to delete. Nevertheless, it is hard to undo deletions in many nations and locations since they are permanent.
- To call that number back, tap the blue circle with your phone’s receiver.
How to Call Voicemail on iPhone?

1. Open Phone
Select the green app icon with the white phone receiver.
2. Click on the Keyboard or Dialpad tab
Along with Recents and Contacts, it is at the row of tabs at the base of your screen.
3. Press and hold 1
This key may additionally feature a voicemail icon.
4. Enter your PIN or passcode
You were asked to create a PIN when you created your account to prevent unauthorized access to your voicemail.
- Contact your cell phone service provider (such as AT&T or Verizon) if you can’t recall your code. They might be able to reset it over the phone for you and assist you with any other issues.
- You should be able to call customer service by conducting an internet search for your specific provider.
5. Listen to your voicemail messages
You’ll be able to hear your messages once you’ve entered your PIN accurately. Each menu differs between carriers, but often there is a menu of choices from which you can select what to do with the message.
6. End the call when done
To end and hang up the call, just press the red “End Call” icon.
Checking Voicemail from Another Phone
1. Call your phone number from any phone
It might be necessary to look it up if you don’t know it by heart. Further, your mobile phone number is typically automatically saved in the contacts as “Me” on many phones.
- Navigate to Settings > About Phone on Android. Here, next to “Phone number,” you’ll find your phone number.
- While away from your phone, you can still listen to voicemails by calling a landline.
2. Press # when you hear your voicemail greeting
Indicating that you want to listen to your voicemail rather than leaving a message, tells its operator what you want.
3. If asked, enter your pin or passcode
If you cannot recall your code, call your mobile service provider. In addition to helping you with any other issues, they might be able to reset it for you over the phone. A customer service phone number should appear after conducting an internet search for your specific supplier.
In this article, we have illustrated several ways by which you can listen to call voicemail on any phone, whether it be an android or iPhone. We hope this article might help you in listening to voicemails. Give it a complete read to know more about it!
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