E Girls are amazing, including their edgy outfits, neon streaks, and delicate blush. But everyone knows the winged eyeliner as one of the most recognizable parts of the E Girl look. Follow along with this step-by-step beauty guide to dazzle everyone with your dramatic and elegant winged eyeliner if you’re an E Girl who’s all set to finish the look!
To get a complete guide on E Girl eyeliner, read the article below!
Drawing the Wings
To get a perfect E Girl eyeliner, start by drawing the wings.
1. Pick up a black liquid eyeliner with a pointy tip.
You can have a sharp, sleek wing by using liquid eyeliners, which are pen-shaped. Unlike other eyeliners, liquid eyeliners let you be more exact and create more defined lines as desired.
- Consider using a gel liner if you prefer more control over the final look. Moreover, it lets you choose the brush size, color intensity, and line thickness. Just be aware that gel liners cannot offer as much precision due to their thickness and creaminess.
- Use a dark brown or black pencil liner for a softer appearance. Also less sharp than liquid liners are pencil liners.
- If you have sensitive skin, check to see if the eyeliner causes your skin to react negatively.
2. To get even wings, use a guide

Before drawing the rest of the wing, get something straight, such as a pen or ruler, to put down your desired angle. Your guide should be held against your face to create a line that runs from the side of your nose to the outer edge of your brow. Further, use the guide to determine the angle at the corner of your eye. After this, mark it with a thin line of eyeliner. Do the same for the opposite eye.
- Although optional, this step increases the likelihood that your wings will line up perfectly.
3. Draw the bottom line of the wing
Draw a straight line at a slight upward-sloping angle while holding the eyeliner to the corner of your eye. It’s not necessary to obtain a precise angle. But you can try using your eyebrow’s downward angle as a guide by mirroring the angle upwards.
- Start the line close to the corner of your eye if you want a bigger wing.
- If your hand is shaky, put your elbow down somewhere flat.
4. Go as far as you like with the line
Your final wing will be larger and more dramatic as you extend the line farther out. Further, the E Girl eyeliner wing should be adjusted to your unique preferences. Thus there isn’t any exact rule.
- Find out which length suits your style best by experimenting with various lengths!
5. Complete the wing outline
Draw a second straight line beginning at the previous line’s tip. But this time, point it in the reverse direction toward your eyelid. Your upper eyelid’s middle should be where your line ends. Do the same with the other eye.
- You should now have empty triangular outlines extending from both of your eyes.
6. With the help of the eyeliner, now fill in the wings

Holding the eyeliner at the end of the wing, fill in the triangle’s outline by brushing or flicking the eyeliner from the wing’s tip toward your eye. Continue doing this until the outline is filled in and darkened. Furthermore, follow the same for the other eye after.
- For the best level of control, use a gentle touch.
- If you want to make corrections more quickly, you can outline the wing with a pencil liner first. Then once it has completely dried, fill it in with the liquid liner.
7. With a rag or wipe, clean up the margins of the wings
Now is the perfect moment to straighten out any clumsy bottom lines on your wings. Pull a cosmetic wipe or towel down over your index finger. Place your index finger in that area under your eye where the bottom of the wing begins.
To tidy up the line and make it smooth and crisp, run your hands under the wing while maintaining upward and outward inclination. Additionally, repeat the same for the other eye to get the desired E Girl eyeliner look.
- This may also slightly lengthen the tip of your wing.
Accentuating The Look

The next step in E Girl eyeliner is accentuating the look!
1. To enhance the appearance, add some bottom lashes
Make a rapid downward and outward motion with the same eyeliner pen while holding it to the bottom of your outer eye corner to draw a thin line. Then, fill in the remaining bottom lashes. Ensure that there is a slight space between each one. Work your way inward, shortening each line as you go. Then continue adding lines until you reach the inner corner of your eye. Observe the other eye after.
- It’s not necessary to have properly aligned or drawn lashes!
2. Use a white pencil liner to define your bottom waterline
Holding the pencil against the outside bottom corner of your eye, gently lower your eye with the other hand to reveal the waterline. To completely line the waterline, draw an inward-pointing white line.
- The white line does not have to go into the wings.
- Your eyes will appear bigger and more vibrant with tightlining and even more so with white!
3. Put the final touches on your eyes
To even things out and cover any errors, apply some black eyeshadow to your drawn bottom lashes. Further, to make your eyes appear bigger and more dramatic, use thick black mascara and fake eyelashes.
4. Use eyeliner to create a few distinct graphics that highlight your personality
Use eyeliner to create fascinating and decorative forms, such as hearts, stars, precious gems, teardrops, or even fruits and butterflies, and to dot on freckles.
In this article, we tried to mention a complete step-by-step guide on E Girl eyeliner. If you don’t know how to draw the perfect wings and get a perfect look, this article is all for you!
Also read: Do Eyelashes Thin With Age?