Statistics show that personal injury cases are on the rise. However, not all personal injury cases succeed in court. The success of your personal injury case is dependent on a number of factors. For instance, the strength of your evidence will determine the success of your case. Also, the type of lawyer you choose has a huge bearing as far as the success of your case is concerned. That’s why you should hire the right North Carolina truck accident lawyers. Hire an excellent personal injury Lawyer with the following guide.
1. Experience
Check the attorney’s past record. A good lawyer should have a positive history of work. Plus, he or she should have accumulated commendable experience from working on real cases and filing successful claims.
Take your time to find a lawyer who possesses the right expertise to negotiate with various parties and handle complex legal procedures. Having strong records will increase your chances of winning the case and obtaining the compensation you deserve.
2. Honesty
After an accident, you’ll definitely be very stressed about your health and overall wellbeing. You may incur huge medical expenses and emotional trauma after the accident. Besides, you may lose your income and find it hard doing the things you love. Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can improve your chances of filling a successful claim. A qualified attorney will strive hard to ensure that you win the case and obtain maximum compensation for your injuries6t.
3. Competence
Choose a lawyer who’s competent and capable of conducting detailed investigations. He or she should be able to identify critical data that’ll help you build a strong case. They might work with financial advisors to uncover important evidence that can be utilized to prove fault and help you recover maximum compensation for your damages.
4. Great Listener
When it comes to personal injury law, communication is key. Being a great communicator is a key trait of a competent personal injury lawyer. Make sure that your attorney is clear and persuasive in their writing. He or she should communicate clearly when negotiating claims with financial advisors, as well as, insurance adjusters.
5. Affordable
Don’t just hire an attorney. Instead, look for an affordable lawyer who’s fully committed to your case. Most personal injury attorneys charge contingency fees. This means that you’ll only pay them if they manage to file a successful claim on your behalf.
If you recover money for the damages you suffered, then your attorney will take between 25 to 40 percent of that amount. So, before hiring a lawyer be sure to go through their terms. Settle for an attorney who offers affordable services on a contingency fee basis. This will give you the peace of mind to focus on getting better.
Top Questions to Ask Your Lawyer
Don’t rush. Take time when hiring a personal injury lawyer. Read reviews. Go through their testimonials. Most importantly, ask the following questions when hiring a personal inquiry lawyer:
Question: Have You Handled Similar Cases in The Past?
Answer: Personal injury cases can be complex. Working with a highly socialized personal injury attorney is very important. An experienced attorney understands how the court process works. He/she knows how to litigate personal injury cases. Choose a lawyer with a high success rate. Ask if he/she has handled similar cases in the past.
Question: Do You Have Time for This Case?
Answer: In most cases, experienced lawyers can be very busy. Handling personal injury cases comes with a huge workload. Things like evidence collection, analysis, and decision-making require time.
As a personal injury victim, it’s important to ask your lawyer about his/her availability. Choose a lawyer who is willing to dedicate more time to your case. Ask him/her about the timelines. A good lawyer should dedicate enough time to handle your case.
Question: What are the Timelines?
Answer: Personal injury cases take time. According to experts, these cases can take months or years to resolve. Simple cases take a shorter time. On the other hand, complex cases may take more time. Also, the timelines can be influenced by the availability of the lawyer.
Thus, ask the lawyer about the key timelines of your case. When will it be filed? When are you required to attend court trials? What about calling witnesses? Understanding timelines minimize expectations, which can sometimes lead to high-stress levels.
Question: Will You Take This Case to Full Trial?
Answer: Don’t choose lawyers who are not willing to take your case to full trial. In most cases, these lawsuits are expected to go to court. A lawyer who is not keen on taking your case to trial will bring you low compensation.
Taking your case to trial increases your chances of getting a higher settlement. Choose a lawyer who is confident enough to litigate your case in court.
Question: What’s The Worth of This Case?
Answer: An experienced personal injury attorney should be able to estimate the value of your case. Lawyers who have handled cases similar to yours will quickly give you a rough estimate. By looking at the evidence, he/she can give you a realistic estimate.
Among other things, a good lawyer will look at your pre-existing medical conditions. He/she will consider factors like liability, evidence, etc. when giving you a rough estimate when it comes to settlement. Stay away from lawyers who give you unrealistic estimates.
Question: Who will Handle This Case?
Answer: Who will be handling your case? Is it senior lawyers or junior ones? Choose a lawyer who is willing to handle the case by himself/herself. Of course, junior lawyers should be given an opportunity. However, if your case is complex, choose a senior lawyer who can guarantee you better results.
Question: Do You Have Any Role in The Case?
Answer: Handling a lawsuit requires teamwork. Don’t leave everything to your lawyer. You have a role to play. Getting involved in the case streamlines things. Being left on the sidelines can hurt your case.
Play a proactive role in the case. Walk your lawyer through the events leading to the accident. Allow him/her to visit you in hospital. Communicate with your lawyer regularly. Inquire about the progress of your case.
Question: Do You Have Testimonials?
Answer: You need assurance that you are hiring a good lawyer, right? Well, ask for testimonials. Speak with the lawyer’s past clients. Politely inquire about the lawyer’s proficiency. It’s your right to do a background check before hiring a lawyer.
The lawyer should provide you with contact information about his/her past clients. You can also find testimonials on his/her website.
Question: Can You Give This Case an Honest Assessment?
Answer: A good lawyer should give you an honest assessment of your case. From past experiences, he/she will tell you the success probability of your case. Remember, any case is determined based on the evidence presented. Weak evidence means that your case may flop.
Question: What are Your Areas of Specialization?
Answer: Choose a lawyer who is familiar with personal injury law. It’s needless to contract a lawyer who cannot handle your case in court. That’s why you should dig deeper and establish the area of specialization of the lawyer you intend to hire.
Question: Do You Have Other Fees?
Answer: Generally speaking, a good personal injury lawyer should work on a contingency basis. This means that he/she will only be paid after the case is won. As a victim, prioritize lawyers who work on a contingency basis. He/she should have enough resources to see your case through before getting paid.
Mistakes To Avoid
Work with the right personal injury lawyer. Choose your lawyer carefully. Remember, personal injury matters are very complex. To succeed, you need a dedicated, loyal, and experienced lawyer. Also, don’t choose a bad lawyer. Avoid making the following mistakes when hiring a personal injury lawyer:
1. Rushing
Taking your time is the most important step when hiring a lawyer. Thus, don’t rush. Research more. Consult with family and friends. Ask for referrals. Read reviews. Go through testimonials. Ask questions.
2. Choosing A General Attorney
Personal injury is a specialized field. Don’t choose a general lawyer. He/she doesn’t understand how to win personal injury cases. Choose a specialized lawyer.
3. Paying Upfront
As previously noted, most personal injury attorneys are paid on a contingency basis. They only get paid after the case is won. Paying upfront is a mistake. Wait for the case to conclude. Insist on lawyers who want to be paid on a contingency basis.
4. Choosing Lawyers Who Don’t Want to Go to Trial
According to the statistics, most cases don’t proceed to a full trial. An out-of-court settlement is quickly becoming an option. However, this should be the last resort. Showing the other party that you are willing to settle matters out of court can hurt your settlement. That’s why you need a lawyer who wants to take your case to full trial.
This way, the other party will feel the weight of your case. In case you go for an out-of-court settlement, you will receive a better settlement.
The Bottom-Line
Winning a personal injury case takes patience. You need the right strategies. Presenting convincing evidence will move you closer to getting the right compensation. Choosing the right counsel will also increase your chances of winning your case. Choose the right attorney with the above tips and tricks.
Also read: How Do Law Firms Deal With Personal Injury Cases?