Can we make holy water on our own? If yes, then how to make holy water? Want the answer, right? So, continue reading as below we have mentioned a guide on how to make holy water!
You might have seen small water reservoirs beside each door opening if you’ve ever visited a Catholic church.
Before entering the church for mass, people dip a finger into the water. Further, make the sign of the cross on their forehead, and then enter. This is called Holy water.
What is Holy Water?
Lutherans, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox Catholics use holy water more often. Holy water is a type of purification and protection that has been blessed and prepared by the priest.

A universal symbol of purification is water. Religious folks purify and eliminate unpleasant energy, whether it be ritual or moral, using blessed holy water.
To be used for baptisms, to bless a person, a home, or an object like a talisman, holy water must first be blessed by a clergyperson, such as a priest.
You can use holy water to purge your home of bad energy by sprinkling it around all of your doors and windows. Plus, any other locations where you’ve been sensing bad energy.
How is Holy Water Made?
There are specific procedures a priest or other religious practitioner must follow to prepare holy water for usage. This is so because it is a cleansing method.
The seven types of holy water used in Roman Catholicism each contain additives from a different source. Such as consecrated salt, wine, oil, or even ashes.
The most often used kind of holy water contains salt, which we add during a rite of blessing by a priest. Holy water can, however, be made at home.
However, to obtain truly “holy” water, you must have it blessed by a clergyman or woman.
Here’s How to Make Your Holy Water in 6 Steps.
So, here we mentioned 6 steps on how to make holy water;

1. Gather Your Ingredients.
There are only a few things that we need to make holy water: water (from natural sources, such as a lake or river), pure salt, and a bowl. Every element represents something.
Since water is a natural substance, it must come from a natural source. The use of tap water, however, is acceptable. Make sure to completely boil your water for 1-3 minutes to ensure that it has been filtered and is clean.
Regarding the salt, it must be pure and devoid of any additives. Because salt absorbs good energy and enables the water to be blessed, it is utilized in the process.
2. Consecrate the Salt.
Once you acquire your items, consecrate your pure salt (such as Kosher salt or natural rock salt) by performing the ritual from the “Roman Ritual”:
“The Lord, who created heaven and everything, is at our service.
The living God, the genuine God, the holy God, the God who commanded that Eliseo the Prophet pour you into the water to restore its life-giving qualities. I exorcise you, O salt, the creature of God.
I exorcise you for you to act as a guide for believers’ salvation. Plus, bring health to everyone who uses it physically. And spiritual level, and to ward off and drive away every apparition, villainy, devilish trick, and unclean spirit that summon by the One who will return to judge the living and the dead as well as the world on fire. Amen.”
3. Exorcise the Water.
You must conduct an exorcism over the water to purify it before adding the salt and water. This is accomplished by performing a different ritual from the “Roman Ritual”:
“In the name of the Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and in the authority of the Holy Spirit. I exorcise thee, O water, the creature of God.
I exorcise you so that, with the might of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will return to judge the living and the dead and the entire world by fire, you may drive to flight all the power of the adversary. And be capable of eradicating and replacing that enemy with his rebellious angels. Amen.”
4. Pour the Salt into the Water in the Shape of a Cross.
Take a handful of salt once you’ve sanctified it and cleansed the water. Then, while making the sign of the cross, slowly let it go from your hand.
Say the next ritual again. This time asking that salt and water be combined in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
5. Bless the Water.

After creating your holy water, bless it by saying the blessing from the Novus Ordo Book of Blessings:
- Make the cross over the water when you have finished your blessing.
- The Book of Blessings, which is available online or through Catholic bookstores, contains the language of the prayer.
6. Use Your Holy Water to Bless Your Home and Family.
As soon as you done creating your holy water, put it in the container of your choice. This includes a little glass vial or plastic spray bottle. You can use it to bless yourself or a member of your family before they go to bed at night. Or, sprinkle it around various places in your house.
- Ask a priest in your parish for some holy water if you don’t feel comfortable using some that you blessed yourself. A holy water fountain that you may fill up a container at is available in some churches so you can take it home with you.
Bottom Line
Numerous religions use holy water for purification, blessings, and protection. Many people think that only an ordained priest can sanctify holy water. Because of this, you might not know how to make holy water depending on your religion. However, you might attempt to prepare your holy water by adhering to customary Catholic prayers and customs. In this article, we tried to mention all the steps that’ll help you know how to make holy water by yourself. So, give it a read!
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