Curious about how to make your dog extra playful? Do you want your pet to go playful around the house? A playing dog is always happy and active. Regular playing is a great way to burn energy, and it will simulate mental exercise in your dog. You need to follow the right training tips to encourage better play in your dog. Here are some effective tips that will help you train your dog to be playful!
1. Have 5 min Play Session
To encourage your dog’s play time, you gradually need to increase the playing period. It will ensure your dog doesn’t get bored. When they are allowed to play for a fixed time, there are chances their excitement and enjoyment will increase. This will be beneficial to make them play around.
When you start initially, make sure to have small sessions of 5 mins. This will hold the interest of the dog. With time you will notice your dog wants to play for a longer time; in that case, allow them to do so. That is when you can gradually increase the playtime. This step is essential to make your dog extra playful!
2. Praise Frequently
Who doesn’t like praise? You have to keep praising your dog for letting them know that you are happy when they play around. You can say “Good boy” or “That’s nice! ” whenever your dog accomplishes a task while playing. This will encourage them to do such actions more often.
Praising will create a positive mindset in your dog’s thoughts. Dog’s responses to these praises are often very enthusiastic. So, keep up with your good cheerful praising to see your dog get more playful.
3. Get them Toys

Toys can be very important in making your dog happier and more cheerful. Dogs like to play around with toys when you are engaged. You can introduce your pup to toys as soon as possible. They take time to get along with the toys but gradually, they get fond of them.
Keep some toys all over the house and allow the dog to move around and explore them. Some of them must be around the dog bed. Meanwhile, you can notice changes in your dog’s behavior. It gets along with the toys and becomes more active in playing. This will also successfully stop your dog from becoming nervous and unsocial in the future.
4. Treat Rewards
Dogs are very much attached to the behavior of their owners. Hence owners can contribute to their playful behavior by rewarding them with yummy treats.
It will be a great encouragement for your dog if you give them something for their playful activity. If you notice your dog playing around with toys, give them treats or scratch behind their ears. Your gesture will promote it to do such a more playful activity as this will show your dog that playing results in good rewards and treats!
You can get some yummy treats by searching for pet food online NZ. You will get a list of a wide variety of treats your dog will love!
5. Get Engaged
The most important part of a dog’s life is its owner. Getting along with your dog not only makes it more playful but also very happy. You need to get engaged with your dog to make them play.
You must sit near your dog and roll a ball or show him the chew tow. When your friend responds, offer it a reward or praise. Getting along with the dog may take some time, but once they get along, they won’t stop charging before you play with it.
6. Let Them Choose

Observe your dog and find out which toy they like the most. There must be some playful activity that they love to do. Choose that particular activity and train your dog.
If your dog likes to run around, you can play a throw-and-fetch game. If your furry friend loves to jump around, you can bring some hanging toys and play with them. Let them play however they want. This will make them more active and happy while playing!
It would be best to let your dog know how fun playing is. It can happen by bringing toys for dogs, cats and other pets praising them, or playing with them. These tips mentioned above will help you make your dog more playful and excited. You have to put in the effort initially. Later, when your dog finds excitement in playing, you will notice how much they enjoy it.
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