Popular and in demand among all American semi-automatic rifles is the AR-15. It has many positive qualities compared to other similar models, thanks to which it has remained on the leading lines of various ratings for many years. Most often, such a rifle is used for personal protection, property protection, and hunting. Sometimes it also benefits law enforcement officers, helping them to fulfill their sacred duty.
Experts believe that the only drawback of the AR-15 is the difficulty of aiming, which is why shooters need to have certain skills and abilities. To make a weapon accessible to everyone, you need to equip it with a scope. If you have some tools and follow the installation rules, you can do it yourself.
Scope mounting tools
Installing accessories on the AR-15 can be as easy as can be. To achieve this, the user must have a complete set of tools used for certain manipulations. Their list includes 4 mandatory items, which should not be neglected.

Required fixtures:
1. Wrenches (torque and hex wrenches)
During the installation of optics, keys will definitely come in handy. They will help clamp the fasteners that fix the sight on the main platform (located on the barrel of the weapon). These tools are sometimes included in the package. If they are not there, then buying both keys will be a profitable investment. Thanks to their help, it will be possible not only to fix the site, but also to do a lot of different housework.
2. Screwdriver with a special nozzle
This tool is used to attach individual elements to the platform. It is sold complete with a mount, so the user will not need to spend additional funds. This screwdriver has a special nozzle. It is selected according to the shape of the head of the fastener used.
3. Bubble level
This construction tool will be useful at every stage of the installation. Among its many variations, the bubble one is optimal for this task. It will allow you to accurately place the sight on the gun barrel and keep them parallel.
4. Stand for guns
Installing optics will be much easier if you fix the weapon on the stand. This will immobilize the rifle and eliminate any movement that will adversely affect the quality of the optical device. In the absence of the ability to use a stand, a vise will be a good replacement for it. They can leave marks on weapons, so they should only be used in hopeless situations.
As an additional device during installation, a mount is used, which is the link connecting the weapon with the optics. Also be sure to stock up on a napkin and medical alcohol. The latter can be replaced with various alcohol-containing compounds without any flavorings.
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How to mount a scope on an AR-15
Installing sight is a simple task that anyone can do. To achieve this, you need to follow a certain sequence of manipulations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to quickly cope with the task and not experience any difficulties. The actions taken must be careful and accurate. This will reduce the chance of damage to the optics and reduce the risk of errors to zero.
Step by step guide:
1. Work should begin with preparatory processes. The first of several mandatory actions is a weapon check. For her, the rifle is unloaded and the magazine is disconnected. Next, make sure that there are no cartridges that accidentally fell into the weapon. All these actions are repeated 2-3 times. This will take some time, but will give confidence that during operation an unexpected shot will not occur that can injure or even kill the user.
2. The second stage of preparation consists in the selection of the tools necessary for installation, as well as some additional products (for example, fasteners). Having collected everything you need in advance, it will be possible not to be distracted from the process during work.
3. At the finish of the preparatory stages, various actions are carried out with a weapon stand. It is placed on a horizontal surface, which has a certain roughness. The latter will save the structure from shifts that lead to problems during installation. The AR-15 is placed on the created base and securely fixed. Hands control the strength and immobility of the stand. Also at this stage, they check it (using a bubble level) for the presence or absence of a slope in each direction. In the presence of deviations, align the structure, achieving perfect horizontality.
4. Moisten a napkin with alcohol and treat the AR-15 elements that will be in contact with each other with it. Thanks to such simple actions, it will be possible to get rid of various contaminants that can degrade the quality of installation. By the same principle, the fastening elements and the sight are cleaned.
5. Once all parts are cleaned, the selected mount is fixed on the receiver (upper). Such work is performed with the utmost care and without sudden movements. It is important to remember one rule, according to which mounting on a rail is under no circumstances the best option. In such a situation, the gun barrel will be overloaded, which will negatively affect the comfort during shooting.
6. Gently tighten the fastener with the keys. When doing this work, you should not overdo it, as excessive tension will increase the risk of collapse of the fasteners.
7. Using a level, control the location of the AR-15 relative to the base. If there are inaccuracies, they correct the situation and re-check the facility for horizontality.
8. At this stage, apply the scope to the attachment point. At the same time, it is controlled that the plane of the device is a support for the rings.
9. Fix the edge of the rings, leaving a small gap on the right and left.
10. The next step is to correct the eye relief. It is performed quite simply based on the personal wishes of the user. The purpose of this adjustment is to select the most convenient distance from the glass to the pupil. Completing this work, special protective covers are put on the optics.
11. Gently, but strongly tighten the fasteners, trying to achieve the immobility of the sight. This action will eliminate any vibration of the product during firing and movement.
12. When the optics has taken the place provided for it, its horizontalness is checked with a level. If no deviations are observed, then the installation was successful. In this case, even with small deviations, adjustments are made by loosening or stronger fixation of parts.
13. During the attachment of the optics, the reticle could accidentally go astray. Therefore, it must be checked and, if necessary, corrected.
14. Having completed the previous work, reuse the building level. They control up and down deviations. Also at the end, various details and the accuracy of the grid location are examined.
Few rifles can match the AR-15’s versatility. This quality is most appreciated and attracts the attention of buyers. The weapons endowed with them are widely used for defensive purposes and are used during hunting or police operations. To improve the performance of the rifle and increase its accuracy, you need to supplement it with a scope.
This task is easily performed independently without the involvement of a specialist. To avoid mistakes, it is important to use the right tools and strictly follow the rules. In this case, it will be possible to perform the work efficiently and not experience any problems.
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