While toilet training is a standard part of raising any puppy, pet accidents can happen at any age. Dogs are much more likely to pee in the house as they get older, while others return to this behavior as a result of stress or illness. Meanwhile, training a puppy is not always a given, as some can take much longer to learn than others.
However, with the right tricks and tips, you can stop your dog peeing in the house for good. Here are some tried-and-tested ways to do exactly that.
Understanding Why Pet Accidents are Happening
To stop pet accidents, knowledge is power. You must first determine why exactly your dog is peeing in the house. You should consult an expert guide that fully answers the question “why is my puppy peeing?” if your puppy training isn’t going as well as you had hoped.
It might be because they are a puppy, but it might also be related to an illness such as diabetes or a UTI. Meanwhile, a change in routine or a stressful incident could cause a once-trained dog to revert back to bad habits.
Monitor your animal closely and consider heading to the vet to figure out the exact cause of the dog accident problem.
Master Their Routine
Routine is key to better habits, especially for dogs. If you watch your dog for a couple of days, you will learn when they are most likely to pee, when they drink their water, and when they want to go outside.
With this information, you can take them out to pee at the right moment. This will help your dog make the right connections, and learn that outdoors is where they go to the bathroom.
Always Use Positive Reinforcement
With any pet accident, you should never ever resort to yelling, threats, deprivation, or any physical response. Instead, you should always use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior. Not only is this healthier for the dog’s well-being, but it will also deliver better results.
Give your dog a treat or a cuddle when they successfully go to the bathroom outside. Let them know when they have done a great job!
Clean Thoroughly
We all get tired from time to time. However, resist the urge to go for the old “spray and wipe” routine to get dog pee off your hardwood floors. If you do not clean the pee thoroughly, your pet will continue to smell it in the house. This will hardwire into their brains that the home is the best place to pee.
Put in some elbow grease and make sure to clean the spot where the accident happened until it is sparkling. This is the best way to break that association for good.
Simple Hacks for Happy Families
Pet accidents are an inevitable fact of owning an animal. However, it is in your power to change their behavior and ensure happy, hygienic bathroom breaks for all.
If you want more simple tips and tricks for happier family living, we are here to help. Make sure to consult our in-depth Parenting section for regular tips on family well-being, for everyone in your home.
Also read: 7 Tips for Training a Protective Dog