The cold air from the evaporator coils circulates throughout the food storage compartments by the evaporator fan motor in a refrigerator. The evaporator fan should be directly in front of the evaporator coils. Eventually, they are often behind the freezer compartment, though it could be skewed to one side or the other.
Your refrigerator occasionally turns on for a cycle like an air conditioner. You have a problem if you’ve been in your kitchen all day and found that your refrigerator has yet to turn off. Or if your freezer has stopped cooling down yet, you can hear the condenser evaporator fan motor in the refrigerator operating.
When this occurs, there may be a problem with the fan, the control panel, or the wiring. You can easily do a continuity test to establish whether the evaporator fan motor needs to be replaced. Bear with us for an easy lead!
Monitoring the Fan Motor on Your Freezer Evaporator

A broken thermostat, filthy evaporator coils, or a damaged motor are potential causes. It’s also not necessarily harmful if the motor makes a loud blowing noise. In many cases, moving the refrigerator will solve that problem.
If your freezer has an interior light
It should turn on when you open the door. Make sure the freezer is securely plugged in. Check the breaker or fuse that powers that house room if you don’t believe power is getting to the freezer. If the light doesn’t turn on, an electrical source issue rather than the evaporator fan motor is the issue itself.
There can be an issue with the motor
If the freezer breeze feels warm,. Open the freezer door and stick your palm inside to check for the chilly air. You should be able to tell immediately if the freezer isn’t operating properly. The evaporator fan motor is probably not broken if the freezer is cool. If you sense a cool wind, there is nothing wrong with the evaporator motor. It’s really easy!
If there is a light in the freezer
It should turn on once you open the door and the motor should shut off. The color of the switch will probably match that of the freezer’s interior. The switch is on its on the freezer door frame. After pressing the door switch, wait a short while. The motor functions properly if you hear it turn on and chilly air emerges from the freezer.
You should hear some weird noises
From the evaporator motor if it fails. The motor may be slowly decaying, or something could be stuck in the fan blades causing the noise. For one minute, press and hold the switch. After a brief delay, the evaporator motor fan should turn on, and the freezer light should dim. You should be able to hear the electric motor start up when it turns on, which follows a quiet humming.
Evaporator Fan Continuity Test Procedure

The condenser coils’ procedure can result in a small amount of condensation. Which makes the home’s condenser coils a magnet for dust and grime. On the coils over time, the condenser coils must exert more effort to remove heat.
Unplug the refrigerator
The evaporator fan motor is an electronic component, so you’ll need to ensure there’s no power running to it before you do any work on it. Can’t find your evaporator fan motor? Look in your owner’s manual to discover the placement of the fan in your refrigerator. It usually conceals behind a mostly opened panel by removing no more than three screws.
The fan motor is rather simple to test, which is a little good news. You should be able to reach under the coils of your refrigerator and turn the condenser fan’s fan blade once the power has been turned off.
Once you have removed the panel, give the fan blades a thorough spin
If they stay still, you have identified the problem’s root cause and need only replace the evaporator fan motor. Remove the fan’s blades from the refrigerator and pull out your multimeter if the fan’s blades are freely spinning. It’s easy but requires a little passion.
You will require a multimeter equipped
to measure resistance, also known as Ohms, for the desired range. Which is given by the evaporator fans motors’ product specifications to conduct a continuity test. The fan may be behind its shield in the corner of the freezer compartment or behind the back freezer panel on many refrigerators.
If you observe a low resistance measurement once the multimeter
is properly connected and turned on—typically anything less than 100 Ohm—the coil operates normally. The charge generated by the testing unit is flowing normally. It needs an entire replacement if it damages the evaporator fan motor’s coil. The reading is particularly high or notices an infinite resistance reading. In this case, one needs to summon a
qualified electrician to help with the wiring if the evaporator fan passes the multimeter continuity test at this step.
After the fan passes this test, it’s time to call a skilled repairman
To identify the problem. The issue may be with a component of the refrigerator’s evaporator fan motor that is too complex for you to repair. However, if it’s not, then Clean the area around the fan blades if you have anything. The evaporator fan motor can stop spinning if something becomes lodged in the blades. Which could harm the motor.
You will save money if you conduct the testing yourself first. However, It’s not always the case that a refrigerator motor’s loud blowing noise indicates a serious problem! You can eliminate Such noises occasionally by simply moving the refrigerator.
However, Repairman for refrigerators’ evaporator fan motors is costly if you have a tight budget. Also, when you are trying it out yourself, ensure all of the precautions. Instance, Make sure to unplug the fridge before removing the fan. Again, it would help to keep yourself safe when working with electrical items.
Also read: How to Repair A Refrigerator: Troubleshooting & Repair