Most people want to save money, but not everyone wants to alter their lifestyle to do so. Yet, you can improve your finances without saying goodbye to life’s little luxuries. If your bank balance dwindles throughout the month and you have little savings set aside, a few small tweaks to your spending habits could improve your financial security. Here’s how to save money without changing your lifestyle.
1. Buy Products in Bulk
Whenever a product goes on sale, add a few extras into your basket. While bulk buying will require you to spend a little money now, you can enjoy greater savings in the long term. It will allow you to use the same toothpaste, deodorant, detergent, or shampoo month after month but for a fraction of its original RRP.
2. Use Coupons
Never pay full price for a product or service again by applying a promo code at the checkout or printing a coupon to use in-store or when asking for a bill. For example, you can take your pick of restaurant coupons, which will allow you to dine in style for an affordable price at the likes of Angelic Bakehouse and Buffalo Wild Wings, to name a few options.
3. Shop Online on a Monday
Did you know the days of the week can determine how much you will pay for a product? A price comparison study found that customers can save between 15-18% when shopping online on a Monday. You’re also more likely to pay a much higher price for a product from Thursday through to Sunday. So, if you want to buy a new video game, barbecue, or sneakers, add the items into your cart once the weekend is over.
4. Subscribe to Retailer’s Email Newsletters
Most e-commerce brands are eager for you to subscribe to their email newsletter, which is why they will provide a discount for signing up. Many retailers will often offer between 10-20% off their products or services when subscribing.
Plus, you could receive VIP discount codes on your birthday, exclusive offers, and sales news straight in your inbox. It is an effective way to save yourself much money throughout the years for little effort.
5. Ask for a Discount Via Live Chat
Live chat is becoming an increasingly popular service on many retailers’ websites. A customer service representative isn’t only on-hand to answer your questions and help you make an informed choice on a product, but they could help you save money.
The likes of Dyson and Nike are known for providing discounts of 10% or more via their live chat facility. All you need to do is ask the question.
6. Follow Your Favorite Brands on Social Media
Big and small brands often reward their followers for their engagement and loyalty by providing exclusive offers. Never miss out on a fantastic deal by following your favorite retailers on the likes of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The platforms are often the first place brands will promote sales and discounts.
Also read: 5 Tips for Finding a Side Hustle You Love