Living a more sustainable lifestyle often seems out of reach for many people. After all, it can be expensive to switch to a vegan diet, to shop at no-waste stores, and to be a little pickier when purchasing items. However, it’s not as hard as it seems to start living more sustainably, and it doesn’t require major lifestyle changes all made at once.
Instead, below are a few ways anyone can start living more sustainably today.
1. Pay Attention to Purchases
When buying clothes, food, and household items, opt for ones that are sustainably made when possible. Look for sustainable shoes, seafood that is sustainably caught, or household items that are made with fewer chemicals to be better for the environment. Often, sustainable options are not more expensive, even though they can seem that way.
2. Reduce Purchases and Waste

Spending less money is always great, but it can help contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, too. By reducing the number of purchases made each month, it’s possible to reduce plastic use and waste. Less waste tossed is far better for the environment and your wallet.
3. Start Conserving Water
Water conservation is as simple as turning off the water while brushing your teeth or taking shorter showers. Pay attention to what the grass actually needs and avoid watering if it has rained recently or is expected to rain in the next day or two. By paying attention to water use and minimizing it where possible, it’s easy to save water and money.
4. Look Into Renewable Energy
There are plenty of renewable energy sources that homeowners can look into. Often, there are discounts or rebates available to make switching to renewable energy sources far more affordable. Even if it’s not possible to switch the whole house to solar power right now, use solar-powered lights outdoors or a solar-powered heater for the pool.
5. Stop Driving as Much

Driving contributes to the pollution in the air, which harms the environment. Where possible, opt to walk, ride a bike, or take advantage of public transportation. While this might not be an option all of the time, reducing the amount of time driving can help the environment in the long run.
6. Use Fewer Chemicals
Chemicals used in the home are designed to clean, and they’re often great at what they do. Unfortunately, those chemicals will end up in the local waterways, where they can contribute to the death of wildlife or loss of habitats. Instead, avoid using chemicals unless necessary. Often, chemical-free cleaning products work just as well for home use and aren’t going to have a huge impact on the environment.
7. Grow Food at Home
Much of the food people enjoy today is overprocessed and unsustainable. While there are sustainable options available, growing food at home is a great way to enjoy fresher fruits and vegetables, to make sure fresh food is available, and to be more sustainable. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to start a vegetable garden, and there are plenty of options available to try. Many vegetables are incredibly easy to grow, so anyone can start a garden from home.
On top of growing food at home, where available, some people opt to have chickens and other farm animals in their backyard. While a cow might not be comfortable in the average backyard, small goats, chickens, and other animals will thrive. Chickens can provide meat and eggs, and having them at home is far more sustainable than purchasing the same items from the store.
Ready to live sustainable lifestyle? It’s not as hard as it looks and can definitely be done on a budget. Use some of the ideas here to learn how to live more sustainably and make easy changes that you’ll be able to stick with in the long run.