No doubt, development of any kind is important for every state, but not more than preserving our natural wild-life. Well, Jharkhand is the best example and is gives lessons to other states. Jharkhand has stepped down its decision to not to build the Dhalbhumgarh airport to save forests and animals. What a great decision the state has made. Their decision was welcomed and applauded by everyone.
We all know that the elephant’s habit has been regularly threatened by developmental projects like this during the past.
Just in: Jharkhand Puts Off Building Airport To Save Vital Elephant Corridor: Mayank Aggarwal, Mongabay-India Barcroft Media via Getty ImagesRepresentative image. A proposal for an airport in Jharkhand has been pushed back with concerns over disturbing…
To build this airport, it would need nearly 100 hectares of land from forests in Jharkhand that serve as a corridor for elephants migrating between Jharkhand and the neighboring state of West Bengal.
The proposal for building the airport has put on hold for now.

An expert panel of the Indian Government’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) said that if they go ahead, it could lead to an increase in the human-elephant conflict in the area. Furthermore, it has sought information for reconsidering the proposal.
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According to the Huffington report, the total land need to construct airport was 97.166 hectares, out of which, 96.761 hectares is reserved forest land. There were 79,322 trees sought in the forest area and the estimated cost for the development of the airport was about Rs. 100 crores.
Well, this initiative taken by Jharkhand was applauded by the Twitteratis.
Also read: Pavel Sells His Handmade Paintings in Exchange For Pet Supplies For His Animal Shelter
Have a look at what they have to say about this.
Brilliant! Jharkhand ?
— Mukta Ghosh (@mukta_ghosh) January 21, 2020
Yay! 1 for the ? ? ?
— #BanGlueTraps! ? (@Gay_Global_News) January 20, 2020 Thanks. @JharkhandCMO Please also shut down all the illegal mining activity and restore the magnificent Forests and Wildlife Reserves that your state has been blessed with by Nature. Many thanks.
— Mona Ambegaonkar (@MonaAmbegaonkar) January 22, 2020
Kudos to Jharkhand Government for taking this step.
One must realise the importance of balancing Modernisation with Nature.
Ecological balance must be maintained.— Shahab Jafri (@ShahabJafri55) January 22, 2020
Good news, yes. I believe they can do better for their National heritage animal. Airports can be upgraded already w/o destroying forest for wildlife. There is conflict w humans now. They are hit by trains, electrocuted etc. This only adds fuel to fire. Save people and wildlife.
— Rite chz angr Az (@ChzAz) January 19, 2020
I think this is the best decision ever taken by the ministry towards environmental resolution and we really hope it isn’t the last good decision concerning the environment and wildlife in India. Long way to go Jharkhand, I hope other states also follow such kind of things. What do you think?