Agile teams are always changing and that is why the software should be able to track every activity and have a complete understanding of what everyone is working on at all times. Jira Software provides access to dashboards that update every minute and provide a high-level overview of the progress. It shows the day-to-day task list for teams on a single screen. It is a great option for any industry and the dashboard is available to everyone regardless of their role. The platform provides guides on how to set up dashboards and use gadgets to organize milestones, assignments, and projects.
How you choose to view the dashboard is up to you and your personal preferences. Some users rely on Agile boards while others use wallboards. However, as Agile teams continue to divide into smaller groups and implement changes, managers need to monitor each update. They need to be aware of all the processes and operations to be able to lead.
Personalizing the Dashboard Layout
A dashboard is a powerful tool for developers because it helps them design a layout according to their workflows. They can assemble it themselves and add more information whenever possible. It is possible to start with a few columns and include as many widgets or gadgets on the screen as possible. However, if you later feel a bigger chart would be better then, it is easy to add more columns in the Jira demo.
Choosing the layout is as easy as clicking a button on the screen. Jira software comes with five layout options and first-timers can start with a default option of two columns. Users can also add gadgets to customize dashboards and make them more personal. They can pick and choose between different options because each option provides different information related to the project.
One of the most popular gadgets is the “Assigned to Me” which provides a summary of all unresolved issues. Users can take actions on the issues directly from the dashboard such as changing their status, adding comments, and moving them to another list. This gadget is very useful for those who go through their list at the end of the day or week to make sure they are aware of the latest status update.
Customization for Managers
The preferences of a product or project manager will be different from the ones of a developer. They will want to stay on top of everything happening within their team. The most popular gadget in the Jira project management tool for them is the “Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics”, which is a tool that is used to configure data sets. It shows the area of concern by displaying different data points against each other. If the manager wants to view the open issues for one project they can use the filter to see who they are assigned to and what their priority level is.
There are other gadgets for tracking the team’s progress and they include “Sprint Health” and “Burndown Charts”. The latter utilizes estimates to show how well a team is performing against a specific burndown line while the former is used to divide the progress bar into percentages with time-lapsed, work completed, number of issues, number of blockers, and change of scope distinctly marked.
The “Sprint Health” option is used to fight any delays and help the team get attention when the work is approaching deadlines. The development manager can identify what steps need to be taken to make sure the progress reaches 100% and identify any causes that might be slowing down the users. Data visualization can help product managers see the aggregated information on a scrum board. They can track the sprint using a bird’s eye view.
Sharing Dashboards
Dashboards can be shared with the entire team in more ways than one. The most convenient method is to allow sharing with the team by changing the access settings to everyone in the group or project. The team members can also set it as a favorite using the drop-down menu on the Jira project management tool. There are options for turning the dashboard into a wallboard by clicking on icons in the Tools menu and changing the view. A wallboard can also be added to the dashboard with quick filters using another gadget.
If there are already too many gadgets on the screen the slideshow control will allow you to rotate them for a specified period of time. It is common to see different Jira software gadgets on the team dashboard and wallboard and they could either be related to sprint health or days remaining to sprint completion. They display all the important details and list the plans on a combined server. The status updates automatically and if the red color is meant to be a friendly but attention-grabbing reminder to everyone on the team. All these gadgets turn work into a sort of game because all the information is there and everyone is trying to complete their work before the clock runs out.
Keep an Eye on Issues
The team might want to use Jira software boards as their single view when tracking the progress of a project. They can access high-level information at a minuscule scale by tracking the sprint progress. Building an agile dashboard is very easy on the platform and there are specific color codes that relay information using tangible numbers.
The idea of setting up a rotating wallboard is also very appealing because it provides complete visibility into the workspace. All users have access to view settings, gadgets, and other information for customizing their dashboard. They can gain more visibility into their progress and monitor the team’s work using all the tools available.
Dashboards are a great way to get real-time data related to a project on the screen. It helps track goals and is easy to set up. They can be named after the project or client to make it easier to know which one to access. The Jira software gadgets have made them even more functional because they display specific information in a digestible format.
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