If you want to transform into an eco-friendly transport system, do you just choose a random e-bike? Since there are many online platforms with wholesale electric bikes, it is much easier to access several electric bikes. However, how do you make the right decisions during the selection process? The first step is to clearly state your needs and goals before buying Ebike. Read on to find out the most important priorities for intending users.
Consider the Bike Usage
The e-bike market is fast blooming, with different bikes with specific features. Manufacturers are more deliberate about meeting a wide range of users’ needs. Why do you want to own an electric bike, or what is your motivation? There are chances you get the perfect one for you for whatever reason it is.
You can speak to an online consultant or your local bike shop if you are unsure how to put your needs in check. The usage also involves the bike location. That is, if you are riding on a smooth road or not, and at what distance? All these questions are best examined when buying from experienced suppliers.

The E-bike Operation
Since needs vary with different users, it is vital to consider how the e-bike operates. The best way to identify how an e-bike works is by test driving. Test driving is fun and determines how to enjoy your bike as a rider.
Here, you are not buying only based on testimonies from third users but confirming that the claims are valid. You can rent the e-bike you want to purchase and see how it works for a day. Luckily, many wholesalers offer bike renting at a low price. After test running, confirm that the bike meets the quality and can perform its function effectively.
Lithium-ion Battery or Lead-acid Battery?
Electric bike batteries are pretty expensive and one of the critical components of the bike. The most common type of e-bike batteries are lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. However, how do you choose between these two? The lead-acid battery is cheaper than a lithium-ion battery, but it is heavy and cannot withstand temperature changes. This makes this decision a sensitive and crucial one to consider.
On the other hand, the lithium-based battery is less heavy and lasts longer but is more expensive. If you do not have enough battery budget and are riding for short distances, you can consider lead-acid batteries. However, lithium-based batteries are the modern version today, and you will find them in the most reputable brands.
Consider Your Budget
How much can you budget for an electric bike? In time past, electric bikes were barely affordable by many because of their large components and consumption of production costs. Nowadays, manufacturers have created alternatives to these production materials, making e-bikes more affordable and available in many stores.
Nevertheless, some individuals and households cannot afford a bike as high as $8000. This is why there are many lesser options of electric bikes to provide for more users. If the price had been a significant restriction for you, you could now get on board.
Pedal or Throttle E-bike?
Many wholesale electric bikes are either pedaled or throttle technology. The pedal e-bikes are primarily standard among wholesale electric bikes while supporting riders’ movement. However, the rate of the pedal-assist mechanism can be controlled through the bike’s handle.
Several countries have the maximum speed at which a pedal-assist bike can ride, usually between 20 and 28mph. The throttle e-bike has its top speed but less electric motor support. The handlebar has the throttle, where a rider exerts extra force while in motion.
Consider the Manufacturing Warranty
How long can you own your electric bike? Having an electric bike is a considerable investment, so it is vital to make the right choices. A product with an extended warranty means the manufacturers can solve any damages within the stipulated period.
The good thing about e-bikes is that the repair components are readily available in most stores. Hence, it will take a little time to fix it up. If the fault is from the manufacturing shortcomings, you can refer to the bike’s warranty. This is why a warranty is essential. You are sure to get help or some advice whenever anything goes wrong with your bike. Also, the warranty should include the electric parts, components, fork, and frames. Typically, a quality e-bike has a lifespan between 5 and 10 years, except for lack of maintenance from the users’ end.
The effect of the COVId-19 outbreak lingers in some places across the world. If your area has not allowed the use of public transport yet, it is best to opt for an alternative ride. Hopefully, the information provided above will help you make the right choice, especially knowing how to set your priorities. Before entering a store, you can note your preferences to avoid mix-ups.
Also read: Are Road Bikes Faster Than Hybrid Bikes?