Kyrsten Lea Sinema is a well-known American politician who is serving as senior United States Senator from Jan 2019. She is from the Democratic Party. For three terms she served as State Representative for Arizona from 2005 to 2011. She started her political career by being a part of Arizona Green Party after which she joined the Arizona Democratic Party in the year 2004. Then she became the advocate of same-sex marriage in the state of Arizona. Kyrsten Sinema age is forty-four years. She is a bisexual woman who is the first one to get elected in congress.
Know all the details about Kyrsten Sinema Biography here.
Background information
The birth date of Kyrsten Sinema is July 12, 1976, and her birthplace is Tucson, Arizona. She comes from Frisian descent. Her father was an attorney. She has two siblings’ one brother and sister. She went to Walton High School at the age of sixteen and then to Brigham Young University at age eighteen. From 1995 to 2002 she worked as a social worker. Moreover, she also became a criminal defence lawyer. Although she had a hard childhood she used her talents to get a good employment.
– Early career
Sinema started her political career by joining the Arizona Green Party in 2004. In 2000 she assisted Ralph Nader presidential campaign. Many times she has criticised capitalism which is one of kyrsten Sinema political views. On August 28, 2012, she won forty-two per cent votes for the three-way dramatic primary. Then she served in Arizona State Legislature and U.S. House of Representatives.
– U.S Senator
On September 28, 2017, she revealed about the candidacy for the class I in the United States. On 2018 she received $33,800 from Kyrsten Sinema campaign. She got sworn in the US Senate on January 3, 2019. On 2019 she supported a bill made for improving defence and security assistance. Then she also voted against Trump’s emergency declaration for border security.

Like this kyrsten Sinema voting record shows many of the bills she supported. When kyrsten Sinema office began she stood by LGBT rights, environment, education, abortion, economics, foreign policy and more.
You can find more information about the politician in kyrsten Sinema contact. There is also her profile available in kyrsten Sinema vote smart website. This information will help the voters to support the qualified candidate.
Personal life
Sinema’s spouse was her BYU classmate Blake Dain. Their marriage ended in divorce. She is one of the non-religious members of the Congress. She did not prefer to sworn traditionally with the bible instead she used the Constitution of Arizona and the United States Constitution. She has great respect for the LDS church however she does not want to give importance to it in her life.
The net worth of Kyrsten Sinema
The exact net worth of Sinema is $2.5 million. But she has donated lots of her money on campaigns. In 2012 her campaign raised money of $2,167,384 and $2,118,461 got spent. She spent $17.38 for each vote in the same year.
Kyrsten Sinema is a courageous woman. She has used all the opportunities in her life to reach this position. She is hoping to use all her ideas for the betterment of the citizens.
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