China has been in the talk because of the widespread Corona Virus which has taken the lives of many people until now. Now, we will talk about some other strange trends that have been observed in China and that are keeping the live animals like fish, turtles and other amphibians in small oxygen bags in trinkets. They are sold for $1.50 in China. I mean how shameless this is. After hearing this news, Animal rights activists in China are upset by keeping these animals as keepsakes on their key chains.
These animals live inside a plastic bag which contains enough water and oxygen content

Thank god to those little plastic bags with water and enough oxygen that is keeping these tiny animals alive. But at the same time, it also feels bad as these tiny creatures are trapped in a tiny prison for the amusement of its owner.
Animals are sold for as low as $1.50

The animals survive only for a short amount of time in their tiny prison. If the owner wants their pet to survive more, they cut out the plastic. Unfortunately, not everyone does so to save them. Some people simply let them die and then throw them away. And you know how much do they cost? Only $1.50. These tiny trinkets are sold outside of train and subway stations.
Qin Xiaona, the director of the NGO Capital Animal Welfare Association said that these key chains were still legal because only wild animals are protected in China and these animals do not fall in that category.
“China only has a Wild Animal Protection Law. If the animals are not wild animals they fall outside the law’s scope,” Qin said.
A petition has been signed by many supporters to save these tiny animals

Many people have also signed a petition to bring this cruelty to an end. The petition has reached over 1 million supporters.
According to some sources, such as PETA, insists that these products were seen in 2008 when the trinkets were sold to tourists who came to watch the Olympic Games.