The polka dot plant is a beautiful plant with vibrant leaves. They are unique plants with green and pink spots. If you want out-of the-ordinary plant collection at your home Polka dot is an ideal choice. There are much more variations in the plant that can surprise you. If you love a pretty garden Polka dot plant is a great addition. However, is it not easy to grow as they require warm climate.
Still, many gardeners sustain plant growth by replacing it every year. With some effort, you can grow different types of polka plants that come in purple, white, yellow and red shades. Now to make your task easier here is an effective guide to growing and caring for these plants.
Growing polka dot plant from the seed

Get polka dot seeds and sow them on warm soil. After sowing seeds keep the plant in direct sunlight. Allow some time for the roots to grow when you can see sprouts within days. It does not take more than two weeks for the sprouts to appear.
Now is the crucial step as you need to replace the plant in a spacious pot. You can keep it indoors or outdoors as per your preference. However, keep the plant away from frost. Here is a step by step instruction for growing it.
- Potting the plant is the next important step. When you keep the polka plant on a pot then it outgrows it in a few months. There will be no space for the root to grow. Therefore, do not hesitate to change the plant into a bigger pot if it grows.
- On winter days it is possible to preserve the polka dot plants. Frost is an enemy of this plant. To keep them alive in winter, cut the stems and store them in a jar of water. You can also keep the plant indoors for this purpose.
- Keeping the plant safe from pests is important. However, there are no serious pests that appear on this plant. Further, you can expect house flies, bugs and small insects on this plant. With natural bug repellent, you can prevent these bugs from appearing. Try to get rid of infestation when you see powdery substances on the leaves.
Best ways to take care of polka dot plant

To grow your polka dot plant a warm temperature is essential. However, it is not that easy to create a warm temperature. However, the best time of the year to plant it is when you see the sun. Water is important for the plant’s health but does not water if it is raining.
When growing these plants you can see pink flowers springing up. To grow the plant pinch off the flowers. This creates more space for the leaves to flourish. Take care of these following elements to offer proper care for the plant.
1. Light to keep Polka Dot Plant happy and vibrant
Polka dots love the light. To keep the leaves vibrant you may need to keep them in a place where there is natural light. However, do not keep the plant in direct sunlight but choose shady spots.
Further, finding a shady spot in the garden is great for its growth but you can also keep it indoors where there is light. Also, if you see dots on a leaf fading the reason is too less or too much light.
2. Rich and airy soil
Polka dot plants are a fan of rich and airy soil. The soil with drainage makes it easy for the plant to absorb nutrients and minerals. Use natural ingredients to enrich it. Further, for more drainage in the soil, you can use perlite or pumice. You can also use vegetable waste and other natural item to enrich for plant growth.
3. Moisture for healthy growth of Polka Dot Plant
Polka dots are plants that do not need much water. Make sure that the soil never dries out. Sprinkling water a bit on the left is more than enough for it. Do not overwater as the plant may die. However, moisture in the soil needs to be even for healthy growth. During winters these plants require only less maintenance. Also, every year replace the plant with new polka dot plants.
4. The right warmth and humidity
In some countries, the warmth is great for growing polka dot plants. In western countries, the humidity is not enough for this plant. Plant the plant once the winter is over. This is the best way to grow a polka dot plant in a cold climate. Also, a smart hack to create humidity around the plant is to use mist.
5. Organic fertilizers of the plant
Once a month use organic fertilizer for the plant. During the warm season using fertilizers can result in heavy growth. Further, rich compost is good for the plant’s health. You can make vegetable and fruit waste compost for this purpose.
Tips to maintain the colour and signature polka dots

There are a few problems when growing this plant. If you see the plant losing leaves move it to a shady spot. Heat can curl up its leaves and also causes shedding.
- There is another common issue when using this plant which is the browning of leaves. Less moisture can cause the leaves to turn brown. Sunburn is the reason for browning. Sprinkle more water to prevent this issue. Also, if you use more fertilizer than necessary this is another reason for it.
- Leaves can turn yellow if you over-water the plant. Soggy soil makes the plant lose its unique polka dot. Overwatering can make the root rot. Also, water flushes away all the nutrients from the soil. Besides, minimize watering when seeing yellow leaves. Also, try to use drainage soil to prevent this issue.
- While propagating polka dot plants some face issues. All you need to propagate this plant is a stem and a jar of water. For some, the stem may start to rot. The reason for this is bacteria. Also, change the water in the jar at least once in two weeks for this process.
If you are looking for an effective guide to care for polka dot plants take a look at the above article. These tips can help you to grow and maintain a vibrant and colourful polka dot plant in your garden.
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