Prayer plant also known as Maranta leuconeura is a kind of flowering plant from the Marantaceae. It is native to the New World tropics. Also, it has spreading leaves that can turn upward during the evening. That is why it is called the prayer plant. The plant can grow as ground cover in the perfect climate and it is a common houseplant. Many people love to have the plants because of its amazing colour. Plus it is a low-growing evergreen perennial plant that looks lush because of rhizomes.
The brow blotches on the sides of the midrib in the young leaves can change to emerald green. After that, they can change to moss green when they become older. Here you can find out all the details of the Prayer plant.
How to care for the prayer plant?
The prayer plants are the low-growing variety and they are also spreading plants. If they have to have the best greenhouse conditions like warmth, moisture gentle airflow and fertilizer, they will grow well. But when you keep the plants too cool or very dry they may lose their leaves or fungi can attack the plants.
In the same way, if the plants are left open to too much sun then they can become dry and brown blotches may appear on the leaves.
Tips to care for a prayer plant

No need for excessive watering
The prayer plants love moist soil but you should not overwater them. You have to water the plants during the growing season so the top of the soil does not become dry. Then you also moist not let the soil dry out completely. Also overwatering the plants can make the tip of the leaves turn yellow and they may also fall off. It can lead to root rot and fungal problems too.
That is why never water the plants with very cold water. You must use room temperature water that is always suitable for the plant. Tap water is usually good.
Regularly use fertiliser
You should use fertilisers on the plant every week or two. You can use water-soluble houseplant fertiliser. The plant may need fertiliser only once a month during the winter. So you have to keep that in mind and only add the required amounts of fertiliser to the plant pot.
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Grow plants in the right soil
The regular potting soil will suit the Prayer plant but you have to make sure that you leave some drainage holes in the pot. So the soil is airy and the extra water leaves the plant pot. You can also make your soil mix for the Prayer plant by adding peat moss, perlite, loan soil, coarse sand and more. But don’t add too much perlite as it can lead to more fluoride burn which can make the leaves brown.
Keep the air humid
If the Prayer plant is growing outside the native growing areas then it will need a humidifier. It will keep the indoor areas moist and will create a most suitable environment for the plant. But if the environment is too dry it can cause brown tips on the leaves. Further, the bathrooms are great spots for the Prayer plants as the areas are naturally more humid. So you can grow the prayer plant in these types of areas.
Repot the plants at the right time
Repotting of the plant is very necessary as the roots of the Prayer plants may start to grow out of the drainage holes in the pot. But if the plants stop growing or if they need more water to stay moist then you may have to repot them. Further, the Prayer plants may start to rotbound so you should not change their places often.
Provide them with sunlight exposure

The Prayer plants require indirect sunlight a few times even if they thrive in shady areas. They are rainforest plants so you must provide the plants with lower light for them to grow. You have to know that the plants will not fully open during the day if they don’t get enough light. So do not keep them in dark areas. If the leaves of the plants fade and change colour it is a sign that the plant is getting a lot of sunlight.
Pruning is not needed
The Prayer plants don’t need much pruning so you can create a bushy appearance by just trimming the leaves. Just cut above the leaf node to change the plant’s growth pattern. If you prune the plants this way it helps the new outward growth.
Follow the propagation methods
If you want to keep your prayer plant healthy you have to create multiple plants by propagating the original. You will be able to propagate the Prayer plants by dividing the plant or also by taking stem cuttings. Then when it is the right time to repot the prayer plant you have to pull a section of the plant away and then divide the roots gently. In this way, you can grow new prayer-plants.
To follow the method of stem cuttings you have to cut the stems below the lead. Then you have to place the plant in a jar or a glass of water. Then you have to replace the water every few days so new roots will start to develop.
Get rid of pests
The prayer plants are prone to the pests and diseases like mealybugs and spider mites. You can treat these infestations by spraying lightly with the needed oil. The fungal type diseases are the most common ones found in the plants because the plants grow in moist and humid climates. So if you want to prevent this you can use well-draining soil. Don’t overwater the plants and remember to keep the leaves out of the standing water.
These are the important things you have to know to care for and grow the Prayer plants. So every evening you can have a look at the upturned leaves of the plants as they glorify the creator.
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