For business owners that need an ID scanner at the premise it is always a nightmare getting the right apparatus for the company. You might be overwhelmed on what to look at or even where to source for the ideal ID scanner. Usually the ID readers are very crucial for a business that operates with an age limit.
The customers and patrons are required to have an age limit to gain access to the business premises. The ID reader is, therefore, crucial in that it has to authenticate who should gain access and who should not. For a country such as the U.S. there are lots of driver’s license and knowing whose license is expired or illegal can be a daunting task.
Panini has the best ID scanners for all your ID scan endeavors. Formed in 1945 in Italy, Panini has a prosperous history where it helps customers maximize shifts. The company produces the best ID scanners made of high-quality material. Panini has wireless scanners that save on time and do not have to use electricity. The company offers quality scanners for both big and small businesses.
These ID scanners are in diverse forms such as peripheral scanner and the table top scanners. However, the type of ID scanner does not matter like the few things you have to put into consideration before you purchase an ID scanner. Consider the following qualities when looking for an ID scanner.
1. Portability
Only few major scanners are known as the main ID scanners. The first scanner is the renowned counter version. This ID scanner is effective if you need a stationary scanner. If you will not have to move it most of the time then this scanner is perfect for your business. A good example could be the scanners at the gate of a business premises. It is a stationary ID scanner that works perfectly for the job.
The second group of scanners are the handheld drivers license scanners. These scanners are usually made of durable and lightweight material meaning they are very portable. This type of scanner is ideal for police officers who patrol highways and they have to move from one point to another.
Carrying the drivers license scanner with them is never a problem since they are easily portable. The other scanner type is the ID scanner app. It uses a phone’s camera to scan a barcode usually on an ID. You could also swipe IDs through the app to scan. Portability should be among the features of the ID scanner you want to purchase depending on the purpose. You do not have to purchase an ID scanner that limits you to one place whereas the business involves lots of movement and shifting.
2. Gives Alert
Some customers could be a nuisance to the business premise or site. You probably decide that you want nothing to do with them and that they should never visit the facility. These ID scanners will ensure that these individuals banned from visiting the venue never get to see the inside of the premise ever again. The only way you will know that such character has arrived at the business premise is via the ID scanner.
A perfect ID scanner will alert the security personnel that an unauthorized person is trying to enter the premise. Also, for the case of an expired or a fake ID, the scanner should send alerts to the relevant people and tell them of a possible unauthorized entry. The alerts could be in the form of a text message or on a certain device to quickly alert the personnel in charge.
3. Durability
No one loves a machine that will become more of a problem than a solution to their company. You ought to look for an ID scanner that is quite durable over time. The scanner should also be high quality to ensure it saves on time and scans documents quite fast. Some business premises have lots of customers and employees working around.
That means the business should have a reliable ID scanner that will work fast for long. A faulty ID scanner will cause long queues at the premise and derail many business activities. The scanner should not be replaced after every two months since it has become faulty. To avoid this, you have to go for the durable scanners that are made of high-quality material.
4. Storage Ability
There are some scanners that are able to store information. When a scan is performed on a particular product the scanner is able to store the all the information on that commodity. That is very crucial in determining the people who have visited the place and whether they were banned from attending that place.
Such scanners will prove helpful in case of theft cases or cases that involve the police. They will be aware who had visited the place and bring them in for questioning in case there was theft. Consumer data is also gained from the same as the consumer will determine the patrons’ gender and probably how often they visit the place.
The above-mentioned things are among the few crucial factors to look for in an ideal ID scanner whether it is a handheld scanner or a table top scanner. Having the right scanner will be quite resourceful and extremely helpful to the business.