The split leaves of Rhaphidophora tetrasperma enamor many plant lovers. It is similar to one of its cousin plants Monstera deliciosa. But it is a different variety altogether. It is a rare plant to find on sale because of its striking fenestrated leaves. Sometimes it is also known as the Mini Monstera plant.
It is an evergreen and lush plant that grows in tropical areas. Therefore if you live in an area with a warm climate, you can grow the plant easily. Find all the exciting information about Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and ways to care for it and grow it. Even if you are a beginner, you can grow it.
Details about Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a plant from the Araceae family. It is an evergreen plant that grows in Malaysia and Southern Thailand. It is smaller than the Monstera deliciosa but has smaller leaves and does not produce edible fruit.
In addition, it is also known by the names Philodendron Piccolo and Ginny Philodendron. Its small and dainty leaves look ornamental and can make your home corners more beautiful. These plants use their ariel roots to climb trees and other supporting structures.
Further, with their green foliage, the plant can grow quickly in moist conditions. It can reach twelve feet in height, but it depends on the local conditions. As a houseplant, it grows 4-5’ length vines.
How to care for the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma?

It is super easy to take care of the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma. Just follow the steps given below so you can successfully grow it in your living space.
1. Light and temperature
Do you know that bright indirect light is suitable for Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma? The leaf’s shapes are formed based on how much light it gets. Although it can’t tolerate direct light, it needs some light to grow. It cannot produce its unique leaves if it lives in a dark place.
If you can’t find a perfect spot for your plant in your home or outdoors, you can use the right lighting equipment for it. If the sun’s rays are harsh, you can use some cloth to prevent it from directly falling on the plant.
But if you are growing the plant indoors, you have to keep the plant in areas that get indirect sunlight. Allow the low light conditions for the plant to thrive.
In the case of the temperature, the plants require 55-85 degrees Fahrenheit. This is considered the ideal temperature for the plant.
2. Water and humidity
The plant must have consistent moisture for it to grow. The soil should have moisture, so you have to water the plant but don’t turn the soil soggy. The plant cannot tolerate this. You can use your fingertip to check if the plant soil has enough moisture or not. Water the plant lightly if the soil is light.
When the cooler season arrives, you don’t need to water the plant often. Because the moisture will stay intact for a long while, but when the plants are in active growth, they may need water.
As the plant belongs to tropical regions, it prefers humidity more. 50-60% humidity is the right level for the plant to grow. So you have to maintain this humidity if you are growing the plant indoors. You can use a humidifier or place the plant pot on the top of the pebble tray with water. The evaporation in it will provide humidity to the plant.
3. Soil
Organic rich, and well-draining soil is suitable soil for our plant. You can also add peat moss or some orchid bark that offers extra drainage facilities. The perlite in it can also enhance the draining. Don’t use soil that leads to waterlogging or which is sandy. So choose the soil wisely.
4. Fertilizer
A high-quality fertilizer will be well-balanced for the plant. It will not have urea and hard chemicals. The roots of the plants are sensitive, so if the fertilizer is not right, it can burn them. Therefore choose a slow-release balanced organic fertilizer that soothes the plant instead of irritating it.
You can use fertilizer on the plant during its growth phase. It enjoys it. You can follow a monthly regimen if you are using liquid fertilizers. For the slow-release organic fertilizer, you can use the manufacturer’s directions to use it.
5. Repotting
The plant needs lots of room for its roots to develop. So when you use the pot, you must use a deep container to grow. Then when repotting the plant, you have to do the process gently.
First of all, remove the plant from the pot and dust the old soil from it. Further, check the soil for symptoms of root rot. Remove the rot using a knife. After that, repot the plant with the prepared potting mix.
6. Pruning
The process of pruning is vital for this climber plant. The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma likes to hang on to an object and climb it while growing. You can offer a sturdy trellis or pole for it. Also, pruning will help you prevent diseases or pest damage in the plant.
It can also lessen leggy growth. You can use the clean snips to cut the plant off its excess growth. But don’t take lots of the plant at one time. Reduce its growth by 25%, which is suitable for the plant.
What are the common problems the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma might face?

The most common pests faced by the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma are spider mites. These are annoying little pests that can damage the plant’s leaves and stems. It is difficult to see it in the plant, but you can spot some damages like yellow leaves, speckled leaf surfaces, or scarring. Use neem oil to prevent spider mites.
Another problem that the plant can encounter is diseases. This is a condition caused by the fungus known as soilborne fungi. It can’t handle the fungal roots rot diseases even though it is strong against other common diseases. To prevent this fungus, keep the soil damp but not very soggy. There should not be standing water near the plant.
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a great ornamental plant; you can keep it in your home. You will feel happy and satisfied after seeing it grow and produce amazing leaves.
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