In the context of the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard case, netizens went crazy with searches like ‘Rocky Pennington Amber Heard’. We know that the lawsuit between the actor and his former wife became strong news on its own. Though Heard left no stones unturned, victory smiled for Depp. Therefore, naturally, Depp went on to celebrate his victory. However, Amber stated that she would dish out everything in a book that will be her revenge.
However, an interesting fact about the case has emerged recently. The fact in question is contained in an Email and that email has leaked out to the public. It contains interesting information about the police’s visit to Depp’s house back in 2016 to probe the charges of domestic violence. Therefore, if you wish to know more about this email, then this article is the perfect stop for you.
The Amber Heard Versus Johnny Depp Case
Back in 2016, Amber Heard filed a divorce from Johnny Depp. In her filing, she claimed that the famous actor abused her physically. In support of this statement, she showed the scars on her face as evidence. She also wanted a restraining order from Depp. However, later the scars on her face were termed as fake and Depp claimed that he himself was abused by Amber.
These claims by Amber resulted in the loss of reputation, money and role of the famous actor. This ultimately led him to file a defamation case against Amber. The remaining story is nothing new now. All the arguments and defence claims failed miserably under the fierce cross-examination of Camille Vasquez. Ultimately Depp emerged as the victorious party and he also celebrated his victory. You can easily find clips from the hearing on Youtube and other social media pages.

The Email
As a matter of fact, we know that Depp’s legal team consisted of Adam Waldman, Ben Chew, and Camille Vasquez. In fact, Camilla has become a superstar celebrity after the case for her striking cross-questioning that broke through the defences of Amber Heard. An email between this team has recently come forward. It is about a conversation between Adam and Josh Drew regarding the case.
The conversation’s topic was the time in 2016 when the police reached Depp’s penthouse to inspect charges of domestic violence against the actor. The email claimed that Amber had a conversation with Rocky Pennington, Drew’s ex-wife in order to hatch a plan to ambush Depp. The mail claimed that Rocky was hiding in Penthouse 5 when the police reached JD’s penthouse.
Even the security guards testified to this. Now, this is really a shocking discovery and has therefore resulted in a significant upheaval again about the case. In addition, the email also disclosed Amber’s extra-marital relationship with Elon Musk.
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