Death is a dangerous thing humans are trying to escape from. Many people have different opinions about death but there is no actual proof for anything. Also, it is not a topic people are willing to talk about in the open. But here we are going to see 21 weird and scary facts about death. As death is scary the below points may spook you. So beware. There are scientific proofs for some facts but even then they are creepy. We love our bodies but it can do some weird things after death.
Therefore, read the facts here to get nightmares at night.Do you know that a dead body can decompose faster in water than on land? The dead bodies of humans found on the sea are unrecognizable. So it is hard to know who the person is. That is why people who vanish on the sea are never found by the rescuers.
Read the article to know Scary Death Facts
1. Human Head after death

The human head will be unconscious for twenty seconds if it gets decapitated. This is scary because sometimes the head of the person is still alive. Also, there are many scary stories of eyes of the decapitated head blinking.
2. Over 300 frozen bodies kept in luquid nitrogen in The United States
Today in America there are over three hundred frozen bodies kept in liquid nitrogen. This is because there is hope that scientists can find a cure for death so they will be able to resurrect them. Furthermore, this will remind you of the plot of The Demolition Man where the character played by Sylvester Stallone gets resurrected in the futuristic world to get rid of a villain.
3. Smell of the body after death

The smell of death comes because of two acids putrescine and cadaverine. It is because of bacteria breaking down the acids.
4. So many corpses of climbing are still lying on Mount Everest
Do you know that the corpses of people who died climbing Mount Everest are still lying there? Sometimes the climbers come across these bodies. So the climbers of Mount Everest have to continue the dangerous climb even when they see the dead bodies of the fallen climbers.
5. Enzymes found in the human digestive systems eats the body after death
In just three days after death, the enzymes found in the human digestive systems will begin acting and eating the body. That is why death is scary.
6. 153,000 people die every day

Do you know more than 153,000 people die every day in the world? They die because of famine, sickness, natural disasters and accidents and more. But more than the death rate is the rate of birth.
7. Last sense to go is hearing
If a person dies the last sense to go is hearing. So that is why people like to be around their dear ones when they die.
8. Dead body creates a corpse wax
In some cases, the body of dead people creates a corpse wax that can preserve the body for many years.
9. Time of death can be calculated

Forensic experts can calculate the time of death of a corpse by looking at the species of insects in the body. This helps them to crack difficult cases.
10. Skin in the finger and toenails grow even after death
The skin in the finger and toenails of the corpse contracts so it looks as if they have grown.
Some more interesting Scary Death Facts
11. In the nineteenth century, people believed that corpses are dangerous because they thought that the air around them can spread diseases. This is because there was widespread belief in germ theory at that time.
12. The Victorians took pictures of their dead loved ones as a keepsake. They even shared it with their families and friends.
13. Embalming of the dead body happened in ancient Egypt. They used oils and other good agents to embalm the body of their Kings and Queens. But now it is rarely required by law to embalm the body.
14. In the nineteenth century, people used coffins with bells and flags. They were called safety coffins. As many wrongly got buried alive at that time people used the safety coffins to call for help when buried alive.
15. The people of Zoroastrian Parsi in India give their dead to the vultures. This means that they do not bury their dead.
16. Many creatures in the world live longer than humans. For instance, Turritopsis Dohrnii jellyfish is an immortal creature.
17. Do you know that many people die today because of the bad handwriting of the doctors? So we have to check with the doctor every time they write a medicine to us.
18. The men who die hanging get an erection. This is one of the creepiest facts of death.
19. In the seventeenth century, the human skulls get soaked in alcohol to make a tincture called “the King’s drops”. Many thought that this was good for curing diseases like dropsy and gout.
20. Scientists are studying the “necrobiome” which is a bacteria and fungi found in a corpse. They want to know more about the decomposition process.
These are some of the creepy facts about death. Nearing death is scary but after death is scary too. Therefore, know all things about life and death.