Staircase is a very important component of any building. It is used for vertical transport in the house. People may select the most suitable design applicable for the building. The importance of the staircase is to offer access to various floors of the building. In Kerala, various types of staircases are observed in Kerala. These types are spiral staircase, open newel staircase, dog legged staircase and many more.
These types of staircases are used in residential and commercial or industrial buildings. Kerala house staircase design may incorporate material of glass or wood depending on the interior layout.
Metal or wooden structure
The architect or designer of staircase may customize the design of staircases of offices or residential buildings in Kerala. People in Kerala can replace the existing staircases by new style staircases with glass or wood with the help of contractors. The staircases will contain smooth vertical and horizontal surfaces .The staircases may be constructed of metals or metal surfaces. In this way, the transportation or movement of material between two floors may be easier for lifters. Kerala house staircase design may offer beautiful layout for interiors or staircase by skilled professionals.
Kerala house staircase design may incorporate different structural elements such that visual impact will be appealing. The design of the staircases may be innovative and stylish. The same may be incorporated in existing residential buildings to beautify the houses.
Styles of steps

Kerala professionals can invent staircase designs in simpler ways to replace or construct simple houses. In simple staircase design Kerala, professionals may incorporate different structural elements to make staircases easy for transportation access to various floors of the building. A staircase consists of a set of stairs used for having easy access from one floor to another floor. There may be various styles of staircase as revealed by the designers or professionals from contractors in Kerala.
Staircases may be European style, western style or any other pattern as per desire of the owners of the buildings. If the pattern of the staircase is of zigzag manner, then the movement of the body will be as per the style of the staircase while moving from one floor to another. If the staircase is of spiral type, then movement of body and steps will follow the pattern.
If the owners desire a spiral staircase attached with a drawing room in a residential building, it is a type of fascination and may be appealing to visual eyes.There may be some type of similarity between the pattern of house and staircases. If the building is of L shaped , then the staircase may be of L shaped.
Different elegant patterns of staircases
Koloapp is the smart website to find professionals in civil engineering offering services with interior designs or home construction ideas. The app can offer concepts or ideas for different styles of home interior or building constructions. Many people intend to have their own house with new features to make their dream home. For this purpose, Kerala’s simple staircase design should be attractive and stylish.
If the space allotted for the staircase is small to build a dream home, then various stylish staircases may be built. The hand railings may be built with metallic or other materials with an elegant look. The other parts of the staircase may be decorated with sophisticated elements. The staircase may be constructed with different colored elements to make it elegant.
Additional decorative items
People may be inspired by Kerala’s simple staircase design, a combination of metallic and wooden structures. Innovative and elegant features may be incorporated in designing staircases in Kerala. This will be a new trend for designing staircases. Owners may incorporate the suitable designs for staircases as per space available for the staircase.
If a spiral or L shaped staircase is built in a residential building, then it may be made lucrative by additional decorative features. In this regard, advice of professional interior designers may be taken.
Materials used

Concrete is the most common material used in simple staircase design in Kerala.The most convenient point is that the material can easily take the shape of the staircase as it is already decided. Practically curved and spiral shaped staircases are the common shapes that are made with concrete. In Kerala, the natural building materials available are palm leaves, stones, clay and timber. Granite may be available in a restricted way and in higher zones, it is marginally available.
But, granite is a strong stone as building materials. Staircase is built by dividing the total vertical distance between two floors by the number of small vertical distances or steps. The staircase is generally constructed with spiral, curved or L shaped and with materials as per availability and suitability.
Unique features
Stainless steel may be one of the materials in Kerala house staircase design. The handrails are built with unique features. This trend may be innovative with modern trends. Handrail services may include a railing system, half rail system or half partitions. The innovative features with staircases are added with modern trends and people may accept as per desires. Continuous changes in modern design by architects have brought revolution in staircase designs.
So, modern staircases are built with innovative ideas which can be hired by professionals. The shapes of staircases may be accepted from browsing diagrams in websites. The materials of staircases may be used as per availability in that zone. For the hand railing system in the staircase, toughened/laminated glass may be mounted on the floor or wall.
Modern trend
Modern trend of staircase designs speaks of the elegance of glass in staircase designs. Linen based designs are also acceptable in modern trends. Varieties of new shapes of designs may be appealing to customers. Further, in modern designs of staircases, decorative items are not encouraged , rather it highlights the work structure .In that way, sculpture is highlighted than decorative items.
The owners can build their houses by accepting innovative ideas from simple staircase design Kerala. The fusion of different materials may be the hot idea in modern staircase. The people can build their residential building with innovative stairs to build their dream house. Owners can achieve new houses with innovative ideas.
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