Damson Idris was a major part of the story of “Snowfall.” Starring as Franklin Saint, Idris carried out Singleton’s tale and vision down to the show’s final scenes. As Franklin’s story came to an end on Wednesday night. The fans finally said goodbye to what they left of its prolific anti-hero after his brutal war with the CIA. His family and the dealers of South Central rendered him penniless, alone and on the brink of sanity.
How did you land on that ending with Franklin destitute, virtually alone and drinking heavily?

Over the years, we had talked about versions of Franklin’s end. Part of it was maybe staying away from the expected thing of he’s dead or in jail. If Franklin had stayed in the game, he probably would have ended up that way. But we saw he was trying to make it work as a legitimate businessman. And then you start thinking about, “What is an end that’s befitting for a tragedy where a guy has destroyed his neighbourhood?” you think, “Well, him being kind of condemned to live in a place that he has destroyed, the dramatic irony of that seems right.”
Therefore, then you think of the totality of everything Franklin Saint’s been through in his life. Also, the horrible things that he’s done. Also, just think that would very much break a guy, and you know he’s got the possibility of the alcohol gene from his father. However, he always hated and resented what his father was. Also, for him to become that very thing that he hated seemed like it was right.
‘Snowfall’: Damson Idris & Dave Andron Break Down Series Finale
After 6 seasons, FX’s hit drama series Snowfall said its final goodbye. So, while most of what transpired were somewhat expected. Seeing a promising life end in poverty and despair is heartbreaking.
Thanks to Cissy (Michael Hyatt), who is locked up in prison for murdering Teddy McDonald (Carter Hudson) in episode 9. Leon makes it out alive just in time. With his wife Wanda (Gail Bean) by his side. They leave for Ghana in search of a new life until the crack epidemic is under control. When Leon returns, he seeks out his friend Franklin, who is hiding out inside the family home which is now dilapidated, and bears an eviction note on the door.
Leon is stunned at who Franklin has become. Also, they take a walk around the neighbourhood while they catch up. In one corner, the duo walks past a movie that’s in production as a nod to co-creator John Singleton’s hit film Boyz In The Hood. It was released in 1991, the year Snowfall ended.

Franklin Forgot It Was Never A One-Man Show
However, in the series finale of Snowfall, Franklin goes to great lengths to retrieve whatever bit of money he can from people around him. So, It’s all in an attempt to recover from the $37 million loss that he experienced in episode nine.
Therefore, his attempts to get money turn into a rampage tour in which he visits friends. The family members try to force them to give him money or not make him lose anymore.
In each case, Franklin reminded them that everything they received him, which meant that he could take it away as fast as they got it. What he did forget is that he didn’t receive all these things through his own doing. Leon, Veronique, and Cissy helped him in different and important ways. It was never a one-man show for Franklin and, unfortunately, he forgot that at his lowest point.
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