Don’t panic if you’re involved in a vehicular accident. Make sure everyone in your car is safe before doing anything else. You’ll also need to take care of the scene because it will be dangerous due to cars driving around. Let’s look at some of the main things you must do to let people know you’ve had an accident.
It’s the best way to keep innocent bystanders safe, plus everyone stuck in vehicles can rest a little easier knowing they won’t get hit.
1. Turn on Your Hazard Lights
Drivers will look at your lights when speeding towards you. If they see your hazard lights switched on, they’ll slow down. It’s a good way to warn people about an accident when they’re still far away.
Ensure there is nothing preventing drivers from seeing the hazard lights. Move obstacles away from your vehicle, and clean the lights if they’re dirty. Nobody will be able to see them flickering if they’re covered in dirt.
2. Get Your Car Off The Road
Some drivers won’t see cars sitting on the road because they’re so distracted. It’s always best to move your vehicle off the road if possible. You won’t be able to lay your orange road cones down until it’s done.
It might be impossible if there are steel bollards at the side of the road. Push it as close to the edge as possible to give other cars plenty of space. Don’t stand next to your vehicle if it’s sitting on the road.
3. Put Down Orange Road Cones
Everyone should have a rough idea of what’s happening as they get closer to the crash, which will prevent more accidents. You should create a barricade using orange road cones, so people know where they can and can’t go.
It’s also possible to alert drivers using flares, so it’s worth keeping a few in your car. Flares are good if you need emergency services to find you as fast as possible. Don’t stop until everyone can see the accident.
4. Become Visible To Everyone
Don’t stand anywhere near your car unless it’s completely safe. Everywhere inside the area you create with orange road cones is considered the danger zone. Stand somewhere on the side of the road where cars won’t hit you.
Drivers should be able to see you when they drive past. The emergency services will find you asap, plus it will make everyone a little more alert. You shouldn’t move too far away from your car unless it’s unsafe.
5. Call Police If Necessary
Call the police if you need help keeping cars away from the accident scene. An ambulance will obviously need to be called if someone is badly hurt. You might even need a fire engine if someone has to be cut out of a car.
Roadside assistance might be able to help you get away from the scene, so call if you think the car is salvageable. You can relax and wait once you’ve finished making your phone calls because it might be a while before help arrives.
You Should Try To Relax
You should follow the steps we’ve talked about today when you’re in an accident, but don’t forget to stay as calm as possible, or you’ll forget everything.
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