More than a decade has passed since Blizzard released StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty, and fans have been clamouring for a sequel ever since. StarCraft 3 release date has been widely speculated. The publisher, on the other hand, has never commented.
Is a third StarCraft II instalment in the works? Only Blizzard Entertainment’s upper management is likely to have an answer. There is still hope because the corporation’s President has been dropping hints.
We can only hope that Blizzard will resurrect the hugely popular real-time strategy (RTS) franchise for another instalment, but its future is uncertain. If the original creators are still at Frost Giant Studios, you could ask them if they know anything.
Is a StarCraft 3 in the works?

StarCraft has had two sequels: the original in 1998 and StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty in 2010. After that, Blizzard released two more expansion packs for StarCraft 2 before abandoning the franchise.
In more than a decade, Blizzard Entertainment has said nothing publicly about a StarCraft 3 sequel. There has been no official word from the powers that be, only rumours and conjecture.
Despite the fact that the StarCraft series is one of the most successful real-time strategy games on the market, Blizzard appears to have been preoccupied with other projects, such as the successors to Diablo 3, Diablo 4, and Diablo Immortal.
This raises the question of whether StarCraft 3 will ever see the light of day. However, because of the series’ widespread popularity, there is always hope.
When Can We Expect StarCraft III? System and release date possibilities
There has been no word on when StarCraft 3 will be available. So far, there has been no official word on the matter; everything is just a rumour. We can, however, make educated guesses as to when the next StarCraft game will be released.
Blizzard Entertainment is currently working on eight projects, all of which will be released within the next few months. There’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Warzone 2, and the most well-known are Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal.
Wrath of the Lich King, another expansion for World of Warcraft, is currently in development alongside Dragonflight. A sequel to Overwatch, titled Overwatch 2, is also in the works. The game, which has yet to be announced, is a survival game.
As a result, Activision will not be working on the next StarCraft game for at least another two years. If it is released at that time, it will most likely be compatible with the PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X|S.

Blizzard’s president may have hinted at StarCraft 3
The most recent StarCraft add-on, Legacy of the Void, was released in 2015, and StarCraft: Remastered was released in 2017. However, Blizzard Entertainment has remained silent on the series’ future.
Despite this, Blizzard President Mike Ybarra recently teased StarCraft fans on Twitter about the possibility of a new StarCraft game.
The first time this happened was when Simu Li, star of the Shang-Chi films, tweeted “Please save StarCraft” in an attempt to get a new StarCraft video game made. Many of Mike Ybarra’s followers interpreted his sarcastic retweet as a vote of confidence.
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