There are very few people present who are not fans of the famous series Stranger Things. For the past four seasons, fans have been watching it like crazy. So naturally, when the news of the fifth season being released has been confirmed by the makers, things are indeed in a different state altogether. Needless to say, people are waiting like crazy for the final season of their favorite show.
So as expected, the Stranger Things Season 5 release date countdown has already begun. It’s only a matter of a few days before the young group again faces Vecna and saves their friends from him. Since the fourth season ended at a major cliffhanger, the fans are crazy to watch the final season.
We are all eager to find out if Eleven with her powers will be able to save all her friends or if something unexpected happens. In today’s article, let’s discuss some of the exciting news about this series.
Were Mike & Eleven The Main Characters?
As you must have seen from the beginning of the first season Mike and Eleven have been the pair at the center of events. Well, this always made sense as Eleven was the outlier with her supernatural powers. On the other hand, Mike was arguably the leader of their group of friends.
However, their importance in the narrative only grew stronger as Stranger Things began to explore Eleven’s backstory more thoroughly. In the past seasons, the makers revealed how she was connected to the Upside Down and proved that her character is necessary to defeat the demons that came from it. In addition, the romance between Mike and Eleven also helped solidify them as the show’s main characters.
So even though the surrounding cast might have changed, with new characters joining and old characters leaving between seasons, Mike and Eleven have always been at the center. However, Stranger Things characters like Dustin, Will, and Lucas have lots of importance in the show. In fact, all of them together solidified the narrative of the show.
Stranger Things Season 5 Might Prove That Will Byers was Always The Main Character
Stranger Things Season 5 is indeed going to be one of the most anticipated finales of any TV series. This is because a lot of revelations and conclusions will take place.
As you know, in the last season, Eddie Stranger Things became a fan-favorite character due to his selfless sacrifice. Well, in this particular we might also see why Will Byers is actually the main character of this show.
Well, we must say that in Stranger Things, Eleven isn’t the only character with a tight connection to the Upside Down. This is because Will Byers was among the first people to enter this dark dimension. So he must indeed have some connection to both the Mind Flayer and Vecna. This will surely come as a major twist during the gang’s final battle.
Needless to say, Eleven might have been a useful vessel for explaining the Upside Down and saving the day when nobody else could. However, Will has been through a lot over the past four seasons, so it might be time for Eleven to step back and let him fend for himself. In fact, many fans are concerned that Will Byers might die in Stranger Things season 5.
Well, the theory might make you sad, but it actually makes a lot of sense. This is because he’s connected with the Upside Down in a way that seems to be impossible to undo. Therefore, destroying the dimension might require Will to sacrifice himself.
This would definitively prove that Will has been the show’s protagonist all along. However, this is just a fan-made theory or rather a speculation. We have to have patience for the final season to get all the answers. So let’s wait for, the Stranger Things season five trailer will give a hint about all of these.
Will Byers Had Set The Story of Stranger Things in Motion & He Will be The One To Conclude it

If you have watched the show right from the first season minutely, you will know why we are calling Will Byers the main character instead of Eleven and Mike. Well, despite being absent from Stranger Things season 1, Will was the one who set the story into motion with his disappearance.
In fact, he was the one who bound the group together. This actually happened without him actively doing anything. Mike and Eleven likely wouldn’t even be together if it weren’t for Will’s disappearance. So the claim that he’s the show’s protagonist isn’t as baseless as it might seem to many fans.
As per the sources, the writers have promised a larger role in season 5. This suggests that something important is in store for the character of Will. They might add a final twist to his character. Perhaps this is when his true potential will really shine through.
Who knows we might even be able to see a new side of him that he did not reveal in the past. This will help him to fully step into the role of the protagonist. In the meantime, you can go ahead and check out the Stranger Things season five poster that the makers have released so far.
Ending Note
So as we conclude, we can say that Stranger Things is presently one of the most popular webseries on Netflix. All four seasons were equally amazing, however, the last season ended with such a major cliffhanger that we cannot wait to watch what happens next. Therefore, season 5 of Stranger Things is indeed going to be a blockbuster!
Also read: Stranger Things: Why the Final Season is Delayed?