Water leakage happens when water starts coming in or leaking out through a system or material that is primarily designed to prevent it. There are a few types of common water leaks. They are water leakage under the sinks, slab leaks, and leaks behind walls. These types of leaks can do a lot of damage to your house. They can damage your floors and interiors by flooding. They can damage paint on your walls and can also increase your water bill rapidly, which is something you do not want.
You don’t need to start panicking right now, as there are some symptoms of water slab leaks, and if you notice them at the right time and take action, you can prevent your house from suffering severe damage without costing a lot of money.
What are the primary symptoms of water slab leaks?
If you are vigilant enough about the water system of your house, you will start noticing the differences in your house. If you see any of the signs I am mentioning below, contact the Best water leak repair service provider in San Diego without wasting any time. Call your plumber if you see these symptoms in your house water system.
1. High Water Bill
If you notice that suddenly your water bill has surged then it is possible because of extra leakage of water. Because of the leakage, your water system requires more water to function properly, and thus the water bill is rising.
2. Sound of running water
This is a sign you will mostly notice during the night. As your surroundings are quiet, you will hear the sound of running water from some parts of the house. You might also hear dripping water from the sinks.
3. Water in your surroundings
You will start to see unnecessary water in your house surroundings. Wet soil is also a sign of water leakage.
4. Lower water pressure
Water leakages cause lower pressure of water in your pipelines. You will not get the amount of force through your sinks as you expect. So if you notice a sudden drop in water pressure then it can be a reason to worry.
5. Wet spots and damps
If water is leaking under your house foundation then you will start to see wet spots on your flooring. It can create a damp and damage to your floor interiors.
Dripping water from the ceiling is also a sign of water leakage. If your house has pipelines through the walls, then damps in your walls are a big sign of leakage. You will see wet spots and damps on your walls and damaged paints.
6. Foul smell
In the rainy season you may have noticed, your home starts to smell like mildew. Similarly when your water system leaks, it produces a mildew smell and wetness around your house.
7. Warmness on the floor
If your home has a water heating system installed then this sign can be crucial for you. If hot water pipelines face leakage then it will pour hot water out and eventually make your floor warm. These leakages can also make the water heater run constantly. If you hear rushing sounds near your bathroom, then there are high chances that your hot water pipeline has generated some leakages.
The water system of your house is connected to all the appliances that require water to function. And your sewer system is connected to the drainage system of your society. Any of these systems can face leakages from inside due to the age and quality of the pipelines or from outside due to faulty installation or external pressure.
As we are now familiar with the symptoms of water leakages, now we need to know the reasons that cause water leakages and should try to prevent them as much as we can. One of the best ways to prevent water leakages is to know the most common situations that cause water leakages.
Primary reasons for water slab leakages and how to prevent them

Age and condition of the pipes
Leakages do not develop overnight. After years of usage, the pipelines start to develop cracks in them, which if not repaired in time can lead to major leakages. Proper maintenance of pipes is very essential for a healthy water system.
Poor quality of pipes can trigger multiple leakages in a very short time. So before installing you must do slab leak testing and ask for a warranty from your suppliers to ensure the quality. Good quality material can serve years of comfort without any disturbances,
Broken seals
Seals are used to seal the connectors of different pipelines so they don’t break. As the condition of the seals deteriorates over time, they can break after a few years of usage. So before it breaks, you should do quality checks regularly. And when the condition of the seals is too bad, change them before they break and damage your household. Another way to notice a broken seal is to observe condensation on your appliances.
Faulty installation of pipes
This is one of the most common reasons for slab leaks. What is the problem with inexperienced plumbers is that they put copper pipes on an uneven surface that is full of rocks and debris.
This creates little dimples on the copper pipes. While installing those pips, if they were bent to a very high extent, those dimples can face severe damages. Thus the whole system can lead to slab leaks after a few months of installation. Contact the Top water leak service provider Los Angeles to repair leakages in your household.
Harsh Water quality
The PH level of water should be between 6.5 and 8.5. Anything more or less can make the water either too acidic or too basic. Both the scenarios are harmful to pipelines and can lead to eroding pipelines if not taken care of.
Make sure the water you use for your daily household activities is of good quality. This will ensure the longevity of pipelines.
Damaged Pipe Joints
Pipe joints are considered the most vulnerable point of the whole water system. Over time the condition of the pipelines deteriorates and ultimately leads to leakage. If you can hear banging and ticking noise in your pipelines especially when the pump is on, then there is maybe too much pressure on the joints. Fix new joints replacing old ones for better performance.
Abrasion and Corrosion
These factors affect the health of water pipelines in the long run. Corrosion happens with the age when materials of the pipelines start reacting with underwater minerals and slowly erode which causes leaks.
An experienced plumber can assess the damage by checking the discoloration of pipes. These pipes can affect the quality of water you drink or use. So regular plumbing checks can notify you when the pipelines need to be changed before they start leaking.
Abrasion mainly happens when the soil or base of the house is not stable. If the pipes are not properly fixed, they move while carrying water and rub against the rocks or concrete. Over time these rubs lead to abrasion and erosion of the pipes and ultimately result in leakages. Make sure the pipes are laid properly and have a drainage system.
Rapid temperature change
Temperature changes cause the pipelines to expand and contract. This creates too much pressure on the pipeline material. Extreme expansion and contraction create fractures in the pipelines especially during winters when the temperatures fall extremely low.
Freezing water also expands in volume and develops huge pressure from inside and results in the bursting of pipes.
High water pressure in the pipes
High water pressure can severely damage the pipelines and also burst the pipes. If you feel too much pressure then it is caused by poor construction techniques. Fix them as early as possible before it causes high damage. Maintaining water pressure is important for a healthy water system.
Here are a few suggestions that can ensure you have healthy water pipelines for a long time in your house.
- Avoid using high pressured water because this excess pressure can damage the whole water system.
- Try to keep the soil of your house soft and moist as it will create less pressure on the pipes from outside and also reduce abrasion.
- Regularly check the PH level of your home water. And you also need to be extra careful of what chemicals you use to clean your home and drains. These chemicals contain products that damage the materials present in the sewage pipes and can affect them in the long term.
- Routine checkups by the plumbers are crucial to maintaining a proper house water system. This step is what most people ignore. Experienced plumbers can detect the slightest symptoms of water leakages and take the required steps quickly.
If repairing is possible then he should suggest that. If they feel high pressure in the water, then he will fix it. Top water leakage service will surely be helpful if your household is facing any problem regarding water leakages.
Also read: How to Prevent Pipe Corrosion in Plumbing