We may have seen aliens in movies that look creepy and scary. But do you know that some animals on the earth are the inspiration behind designing the aliens? Yes, you may have heard about the fish known as the Blobfish known as the ugliest Animal. But it is one of the wonders of nature. It may look scary but it is also a creature that survives with amazing body structure and mechanism.
The Blobfish have two black eyes and are pinkish in color. Its body shape looks as if it is melting in the heat and appears to be lazy and grumpy. But it has become one of the popular animals as many toys, memes and posters are made of the Blobfish. Find out all the fantastic facts about the Blobfish here.
Why Blobfish is popular?
Blobfish became a scientific curiosity as a particular species known as Psychrolutes micropores from the Psychrolutidae. The first specimen of the fish was found on the coast of New Zealand in 1983 in a research vessel. It took a decade for scientists to understand the fish and many people came to know about it. Now only many details about the fish are available for us to read and see its photos and videos.
In 2003 the photos of the fish became public and the internet started to create lots of content about it. The glum look of the fish interested the people so it was named the ugliest animal in the world. But no one can deny that the fish is one of the best creations.
What does the Blobfish look like?

Under the water, the fish looks normal like any fish. Only when it comes out of the water its appearance is gelatinous with a slimy texture. They live in the deepest parts of the ocean at the depths of 600 and 1,200m. The deeper the ocean gets the more pressure the atmosphere is so Blobfishes live in high-pressure parts of the sea. That is why scientists believe that the fishes have squishy bodies with soft bones. They are better adapted to live in such an environment.
After the Blobfish is caught in the nets and comes out of the water the decompression can make it bigger. Its skin relaxes so makes it appear as if it has a large nose. The fish becomes like a shapeless mass without any solid body. So the ugly appearance of the fish comes when it is dead and that is the reason why it looks very different from the other fish kinds. When alive they are not so depressed looking and appear normal to the eyes.
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How does the Blobfish look underwater?
The Blobfish underwater looks like any fish swimming, eating ad enjoying their day. They have bulbous heads, dark black eyes, and pectoral fins. Plus they have a punkish grey body and a tail that looks like a tadpole. They are 30cm in length and weigh under 2kg.
Further, they swim under the sea as effortlessly as possible. But they don’t have a swim bladder which is an air sac-style organ that helps fishes living deep underwater to control their buoyancy. Instead of that, they have a fatty body composition that is denser than the water they live in. So they can handle the pressure without any discomfort.
Therefore blobfish float on water like oil. Having high-fat content makes them more buoyant without having to use lots of energy. So their swimming process is labour-saving as they can float on the water with their lazy bodies.
What do they eat?

As Blobfishes appear lethargic they eat whatever passes them in the seabed. When small crustaceans, sea snails or other creatures swim along they instantly eat it. This lie in weight for food strategy is what many aquatic creatures follow to survive under the ocean.
Where are they found?
Blobfishes are found in many locations such as the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. But some species of Blobfish particularly nicknamed Mr Blobb are present in only small territories. These are known scientifically as Psychrolutes micropores and they live in waters around Australia and New Zealand.
Some Interesting facts about Blobfish
- The fishes that live deep in the sea are known to grow slowly. So we can expect Blobfish to have a great lifespan like the rockfish which can live for up to 200 years or more.
- The biggest predators of the Blobfish are fishermen. This may drive them to extinction.
- The Blobfishes do not have teeth nor do they have bones and muscles. They are limp, floppy mass when they come to the surface.
- The female Blobfishes lay eggs on the seafloor and both the loyal male and female parents take turns to guard it.
- They are one of the most popular fishes in the world.
Blobfishes are popular today because of their unearthly appearance. But because of getting caught in the fishing nets, they may become endangered. Hence it is important to spread awareness about the importance of this breed.
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