Node.js is a platform on the JavaScript runtime of Chrome for building scalable network applications. It is effortless to learn, even for beginners. An enterprise does not need to hire specialized resources to work with Node.js. It has a short learning curve. Having developers with JavaScript experience in the team will suffice. We invariably end up increasing our talent base without adding additional hires since developers can work on both ends – front and back.
Additionally, Node.js offers the flexibility of development across multiple platforms – a reason for its immense popularity.
If Node.js is our choice for building APIs, we must follow best practices for the desired outcome.
Choose a Proper Framework for Building the API
When building APIs, we must choose a framework that best suits our requirements. For instance, while making RESTful services, Restify is a good option; but Express might be a better choice for creating web apps. Every framework caters to specific needs, so we should pick whatever fits the requirement. When building APIs using Node.js, hiring a renowned node js development company would be immensely helpful for developers to deliver robust and secure APIs.
Embrace Forward-Compatible Attribute Naming
The attribute names for objects in the API responses should be thoughtfully picked. When picking the names, we must consider the API’s future uses. Moreover, these attribute names cannot obstruct future updates, builds, and compatibility.
Back your APIs with Thorough Documentation
While Node.js can simplify the process of building APIs, we must provide our developers with documentation that helps them understand things. This is also a point we should abide by when using APIs developed by third-party developers. Swagger and API Blueprint are two popular tools we can use to create effective documentation for our APIs.
Many organizations outsource software development services to develop code more efficiently, taking the enterprise to the next level.
Stick to the ‘Robustness’ Principle
The Robustness principle helps us be more conservative with the tasks and more liberal with what others would accept. For instance, when working with HTTP headers, we might want to use header casing while responding to clients; however, when receiving HTTP headers, we would prefer them to be normalized in a consistent format, making it simpler to interpret the values. Again, however, the principle should be applied on a case-to-case basis.
Blackbox Test for Node.js Rest APIs
Treating our REST APIs like a Blackbox is one of the best ways to test them. For those who didn’t know, Blackbox testing is a form of testing where an application’s functionality is examined without sufficient knowledge of its internal structure. This way, none of the dependencies are stubbed or mocked as the system gets tested.
Block the Event Loop
When applying asynchronous programming with callbacks when using Node.js, we must remember that completing a particular function or command will require the previous task to be finished first. Once the execution has been triggered, it will run till completion without getting interrupted. So, if we need to block this loop, coding it into the callback and triggering from within is recommended.
Go Easy with the Encryption
Security can never be an afterthought. We must address it with utmost sincerity and not take it lightly. Always build APIs assuming that the server will be compromised and breaches inevitable. This might make things tedious, but it will secure our systems better, and our customers will thank us for that. Using reliable password hashing algorithms like Argon2, Scrypt, Bcrypt, etc., would be wise.
Invoking Multiple Callbacks
Callbacks and JavaScript often go together. However, developers view callbacks as the endpoint of the function, which leaves a lot of room for errors. In addition, complex nested callbacks in the code lead to pyramid patterns, which can be extremely hard to debug. So, we must be careful when using callbacks and keep an eye on how many you are invoking at once.
Confuse Data Types
Numbers in JavaScript are represented as floating point data types. We may not encounter numbers that strain these data types when building APIs, but sometimes it can happen. When this does happen, the entire function becomes useless as different operators would work differently with different data types.
So, when using huge numbers for building APIs, we must switch to integer data types; however, we can continue using floating point data types for other purposes.
Errors in Node.js can be devastating for the function and the program. The Dos and Don’ts listed here would help every developer – whether a rookie or an experienced one – avoid common errors in Node.js and build APIs effectively & efficiently.
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