Since Season 3 upgrades, Wrecking Ball has made a significant reappearance with friendly fire in Overwatch 2 meta. With skilled Ball players destroying the backline and making it appear simple, the once low-tier hero has pushed his way to the top of the tank meta.
A very unfortunate player learned it’s possible to friendly-fire a teammate with Wrecking Ball after a particularly absurd combination between Wrecking Ball and Doomfist’s charged-up Rocket Punch.
The main reasons why Wrecking Ball is so powerful are his quick movements and capacity to break up fights by knocking opponents aside, yet it takes more speed than it seems to deal damage and move opponents out of the way.
But, a very unfortunate Doomfist player discovered that Wrecking Ball might gain momentum in several ways, enabling it to blast through combat, for younger ball players in particular.
2 player pinballs for Overwatch Right into his team, Wrecking Ball:

To generate enough momentum to cause harm by colliding with other players, Wrecking Ball typically needs to utilize his grappling hook. Nevertheless, a player of Doomfist made the regrettable discovery that his charged Rocket Punch had enough power to cause Wrecking.
Overwatch 2’s bumpy release is now a packed epic. Blizzard revealed today that it would completely remove Torbjörn and Bastion from specific game modes to address concerns with the characters. It’s planned that you won’t see them, so don’t worry.
The action is probably intended to address Bastion’s infinite ultimate and a Torbjörn ability that lacked its cooldown, although it is unknown how long the characters would be unreachable. Because of this, certain players can no longer access a wide range of characters, a brand-new issue that Blizzard has accidentally created.
Ball to enter its enhanced state of movement.
One punch sent a Ball careening towards a Reaper player, who couldn’t have seen it coming, in what might be one of the only possibilities to teamkill in Overwatch 2. Considering that the ball itself killed Reaper, this isn’t exactly friendly fire, but it’s about as close to it as Overwatch 2 will let you get.
As a result of colliding with other people, Ball can also accidentally friendly fire in different ways. Pharah’s knockback can break the movement speed barrier necessary to deal damage, which very few knockbacks in Overwatch 2 can do.
Doomfist can potentially remove Wrecking Ball from the backline and is one of the counters to Wrecking Ball on paper. If an unfortunate teammate is standing at the wrong spot at the wrong time during practice, things might not go so smoothly.
Ending up:
So here we discussed why the player activates friendly fire in overwatch 2 and all the details we have. For more updates on the same, continue following us.