The Winds of Winter is the sixth novel in the popular fantasy series “A Song of Ice and Fire”. This book is the masterpiece of American writer George R. R. Martin. Martin said that this book will be quite long and will cover the events left in the previous chapters, such as “A Dance of Dragons”. Here are some of the updates regarding the release date of the novel and its contents. If you are a fan of Martin’s novel series, then the information will interest you. The first book, “Game of Thrones,” became popular and adopted into a Television series. Then “Clash of Kings” is the second novel in the series followed by “A Storm of Swords”, “A Feast for Crows”. After this, the fourth novel of the series came in the year 2011 the “Dance with Dragons”. But the sixth book in the Fire and Ice series, the novel narrating the after events is not yet available now as there is a delay in its release.
The reason is that Martin did not expect the TV series of his novel to end that way. He said although fans know about the ending because of the TV series, it is not the complete ending he imagined, and he has got many things to reveal to them in the upcoming novel. So this statement has left fans even more curious and guessing of what the writer has in store for their enjoyment.
The character Bran Stark to take center stage
In the final part of the series Game of Thrones, the ability of Bran Stark was not even taken into consideration. He also did not take that much part in the battle. But Martin is now going to pay attention to this character more. As the fans are aware, Bran Stark can see visions of the future. He was able to predict the Three-Eyed Raven in the previous chapters and series. With this kind of awesome power, there can be more scope for his character. Many thought that he was the one to control one of the dragons of Daenerys Targaryen in the series.
One of the main reasons for this issue is that the creators of the show made the ending very different from what Martin expected. That is why there are fewer scenes in the final series about Bran Stark. But Martin is going to unveil some more details about Bran Stark in his new novel.
Character Development, Focus events in Winds of Winter
The sixth novel, “Winds of Winter” will also include the battle of Winterfell. This novel may reveal Bran Stark fighting in the battle without staring aimlessly at others. He could even help save Winterfell and his family in Westeros. There is also the hint of the appearance of the “Others” the Night Stalkers who live at the North in the novel.
In season one, the man Jaqen a part of the assassin group, the Faceless Men imprisoned at the dungeons of King’s Landing. Still, the reason for his imprisonment is unknown, so that the new novel may reveal the details about this group. The novel will also be able to clear up many things about Cersei and answer some of the reasonable questions regarding her death. The fans also may come to find out the truth of Tyrion’s status as the true Valonqar.
Winds of Winter Release date
As per the reports, “Winds of Winter” may release around the beginning of 2021. As the date of release is not certain, we have to wait and see if there are any further updates.
The novel “Winds of Winter” provides opportunities to get answers as well as build the character of some of the characters in the series that require more description. Martin is going to offer a satisfactory novel for all of his fans to explore more about the mysteries of Westeros and even further North where the “Others” reside.