In this highly professional world, it is always important to build a solid career road map. In fact, most of today’s youth are concerned about this. The professional world has recently seen the Great Reignation. In fact, numerous employees have resigned from their jobs. This has disturbed the employers-employees balance in every industry.
However, even without going into the reasons behind this mass resignation, we can easily see that this gives the young generation a great opportunity. Therefore, while selecting their job opportunities, they should also concentrate on building a solid career road map. In fact, after getting a job, they must consider the ways in which they can build a strong career ahead. In this regard, Rajan Sethuraman, the CEO of LatentView Analytics, has suggested three essential steps for building a strong career road map. Read the article to know about these essential steps.
Three Steps To Build A Solid Career Road Map
These are the three steps suggested by Sethuraman to build a solid career road map:
Understanding The Core Components Of The Field
We know that every field of work has its own core components. For instance, math, business expertise and technology are the core components of data analytics. Similarly, for a lawyer, the core components are volumes of case law and established precedents. In a similar way, a musician also has his/her own core components.
Therefore, understanding the core components of a profession is the first criteria for building a strong career road map. An employer will quickly be able to understand one’s comprehension of these core components of a certain profession. Therefore, it also becomes important to avoid frequent changes, as it will limit one’s knowledge base.
Taking a T-Model Approach
To build a strong career road map it is essential to have a good understanding of the core components of one’s profession. However, becoming a specialist in one area is another cornerstone of success. For instance, some lawyers become experts in certain types of law. In fact, it is this specialisation that differentiates an amateur and a skilled employee. It is the T-shaped skill set. This suggests that one can be a master in one thing.
In fact, employers expect an employee to have a wider understanding of the profession. But the expertise of an employee adds value to him/her. Moreover, an employee can become indispensable to the employer due to his/her special ability in an area.
Going For Longevity
We have seen that various professionals have impressive expertise in a specific area. However, only a handful of them can reach the top of their field of expertise. This is because most of them lack longevity. In fact, spending years in the same company, dealing with similar challenges, allows one to look at one’s field of expertise from various perspectives.
Therefore, it is essential to look at challenges from new angles. It is also important to be able to view one’s expertise in context. Moreover, it is equally important to be able to explain the importance of one’s expertise to an outsider. These ultimately lead to longevity and a strong career road map.
Therefore, these are the three steps that Rajan Sethuraman has suggested to build a strong career road map. That is all for today.
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