Work-life balance has been the buzz phrase in job-satisfaction journals for decades. Seemingly, those who worked long hours in well-paying jobs struggled to keep up with the demands of their private lives. As a result, they needed more balance in their life. For students working part-time, the challenge relates to juggling the demands of employment and academic obligations.
Combining work and academics is not an easy task. Of course, getting a part-time job allows you to afford some necessities in college while giving you the needed experience to boost your resume. However, the additional responsibilities can also strain your time, making it hard to complete projects on time and be present for classes.
Here are a few tips on successfully navigating college life if you combine work and academics.
Create and Follow a Study Plan
One of the easiest ways to keep up with the demanding nature of college life is to create and follow a study plan. Here, a study plan implies a schedule or timetable that allows you to dedicate certain blocks for well-defined learning activities and routine daily tasks. Following a study plan is particularly useful if you are trying to make time between your work, social obligations, and school tasks.
Suppose you often procrastinate when it is time to study or cannot keep up with the huge workload you have to complete. A study plan helps you stay better organized and enables you to create a sense of accountability. In addition, it is more comprehensive than a timetable as it defines the approaches you will take when preparing, planning, and dealing with challenges faced.
Creating your study plan should focus on your available free hours. It would help if you also considered how to prepare and purchase suitable course material. Given the requirements, how much time will you dedicate to different subjects?
In the end, having a study plan will increase your productivity and help you work on your time-management skills. Working on projects will also be less stressful as you won’t have to deal with last-minute deadline rushes. What`s more, you will be able to cover every aspect of your study material since you will be better organized.
Then, as you create your study plan, schedule study breaks and establish mini-deadlines to help you assess progress. Of course, there could be some unexpected assignments, or you simply missed some essay or project because of a huge amount of tasks. But remember that it is not a problem, and you can always buy persuasive essays or other types of assignments and have more time for yourself.
Pick a More Flexible Job

For college students, flexible work arrangements mean that the learners are not restricted to working the same hours and days during work, which allows the student to organize work around the college schedule. This helps you balance work, social life, and academics. In addition, evidence shows that having a social life reduces stress and prevents burnout, assisting students in managing their mental health.
Understand that choosing a flexible job also means being able to work in multiple environments. Besides being able to choose your working days and hours, it is best to choose a gig that allows you to work remotely. With varied locations, you gain a wealth of experience and meet different people. Pick a job without contracted hours or a choice of shifts.
You should be able to adjust your work hours to fit your college schedule and not the other way around. If you need assistance, work with a legit essay writing service online.
Work on Your Time Management Skills
College is often demanding, even if you don’t have the added pressure of combining work and academics. For students who have to work while keeping up with their studies, keeping up with the additional demands can be frustrating. There is no room for distractions or procrastination.
Become more efficient and productive by improving your time management skills. It means creating and following a routine and eliminating time wasters. For example, plan your days early and keep track of your habits using checklists. Also, try to choose a job that aligns with your study pattern. For instance, if you are a morning person, dedicate the early hours of the day to studying and working on projects.
Understand Your Limitations

While working part-time helps you earn additional income and grow your employability, you need to know when enough is enough. Avoid taking on too much or choosing jobs that are too demanding. Of course, the job you get will depend on your skills. Also, always make your studies a priority.
Other than the normal student-type work-study jobs, students can perform numerous office roles in the mornings and evenings. Online jobs also pay well, offering students the flexibility to keep up with their academic commitments. However, understand that there is strong competition for online jobs, and students need to be industrious to get the best jobs.
Create Time for Loved Ones
Although working part-time is great, you should forget to create space for people who matter. Experts indicate that healthy social support is crucial for student’s mental and physical well-being. However busy you may be, always create time for the relationships that matter.
According to recent data, students with access to stronger social relationships tend to be more academically engaged. They can develop their social skills and tend to experience more positive behavior. Given the hectic nature of college life, you may need friends to help you get through the frustrations. Positive relationships will help you build self-esteem and improve your academic performance.
Prioritize Self-Care
With the hectic demands of college, students tend to ignore the importance of self-care. Now that you combine work and academics, things may get even more frustrating. For the sake of your emotional and physical well-being, make yourself a priority. It means avoiding stress, doing yoga and eating healthy meals. Students also need to get enough sleep, going for at least eight hours of uninterrupted slumber daily. Most importantly, exercise regularly and drink lots of water.
This article summarizes a few survival tips for college students combining work and studies. First and foremost, be realistic about your abilities and limitations. Don’t take on more than you can manage; create room for resting and getting enough sleep. Most importantly, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance whenever you get overwhelmed.
Also read: Tips for Stamping Out Job-Related Anxiety