If you currently have short or mid-length hair and want to grow your hair longer, you may be continually frustrated at how hard it can be to achieve healthy long hair. Sometimes, hair may not be as fast-growing as you would like it to be, especially if it is dry and coarse. As such,
Here are some of the top tips that you should follow if you want great long hair in 2023.
Take Vitamins
Rather than dump a lot of products on your hair in an attempt to make it grow lush and long, you should instead concentrate on your overall health. There may be vitamins and minerals missing from your diet that could contribute to the growth of your hair and allow it to look however you want it to.
For instance, you need the right levels of vitamin B in your body if you want your hair to grow quickly, as well as vitamins C, D and A. You should also check whether you are consuming enough iron and zinc.
If you believe that you could be deficient in any of these vitamins, you should consider looking around for supplements that could give your vitamin levels a little boost and ensure that you do not have to battle to consume all the vitamins that you need through your food.
Stop Playing with Your Hair
Many people get into the habit of playing with their hair and tangling it between their fingers when they are nervous or stressed. However, while this may be an unconscious habit, this does not mean that it will not have an impact on your hair. Constant fiddling with your hair can lead to split ends and can make strands of your hair knot and break off.
This can then prevent your hair from getting longer and could even make the two sides of your hair uneven. As such, you should make sure that you stop yourself from messing with your hair by staying aware of your habits and tying your hair back.
Get Hair Extensions
However, if you are too impatient to wait for your hair to grow longer, want to try out what it looks like long without committing to it, or if you are struggling to grow your hair out, you should consider getting hair extensions. These hair extensions can make your hair look thicker and longer and can easily be placed in and out of your hair whenever you want your hair to look fuller and more luscious.
You should make sure that you invest in high-quality hair extensions, though, and you should match the color of these with that of your natural hair. As such, if you have decided that hair extensions are the best option for you, you should look around for great clip-in hair extensions.
Growing your hair long can be frustratingly difficult, especially if you are unhappy with the way that your hair currently looks. However, from looking after your hair to keeping the rest of your body healthy, there are many steps that you can take to help it on its way.
Also read: Here are Few Tips for You to Make Your Hair Thicker and Longer