Beginners and advanced developers of mobile applications and websites need to develop constantly. Many proposals are being created to optimize work and get the desired result faster. After all, if you do everything with your own hands, you can spend weeks and even months, depending on the task complexity. One of the tools that make things easier would be UI themes or paid UI elements.
They can be at various sites. A good example is TemplateMonster. Such marketplaces are known for their huge, up-to-date, and inexpensive range of developments for specialists of multiple levels. There are tons of offers with reasonable prices. You may find different developers, read reviews, and see previews and descriptions among the list. At the same time, there are no extra charges from the marketplace itself because this approach to business isn’t beneficial to anyone. On the contrary, complex propositions for wholesale unlimited downloads are created.
But let’s first understand what UI themes are, define the main concept, and study the classification. After that, we will think about how to look, where exactly and how much it’ll cost.
Basic Concepts About UI Elements
User interface elements (UI Elements) can be defined as separate parts of a site or app that establish contact with the user and interact with them. Designers use them to create additional and basic conveniences for online shops, official websites of companies, and mobile applications. They add interactivity for the user, are necessary for the site’s full functionality, and are easy for the visitor to use.
Examples of such parts would be buttons, scrollbars, navigation, menu items, checkboxes. These are bright accents in the design and don’t simply simplify searching for information or placing an order. Combined with other design techniques, they form a full-fledged image, style, and portal image. This step is an integral part and, if used correctly, will even encourage the user to perform a certain action (for example, a beautiful button in the right place and color scheme enables throwing the product into the basket).
There is a whole list of page parts that you can take as an example. And we’ll talk about it below. For them, there is a conditional and generally accepted classification and division into four categories:
- Input controls.
- Navigation components.
- Containers.
- Informational Components.
Let’s discover them together!
Input controls and Tips
Input Controls can be conditionally described as a field where a person can enter any information. An example of such parts would be a field where you need to indicate personal choice or location. These include areas for entering text and selecting parameters (data) by asking for checkboxes selecting the required fields.
They also allow not only to find the necessary information but also to choose.
Tip 1
Try to simplify the task for the user. For example, don’t add an excessive field number for selection. Minimize the gestures necessary for it (swipe, wave, number of touches). It will not be superfluous to fill out the forms first so that if everything suits a person, he doesn’t fill out everything himself. (An example would be an already checked checkbox in the order form “Do not call back to confirm the order”).
Tip 2
More often than not, app visitors expect to see fields and components similar to others. So don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Live up to expectations and stick to common examples. This point doesn’t affect the design’s uniqueness in any way.
Tricks for Navigation Components
The name Navigation Components speaks for itself. These are all kinds of options: scrolling up the page, arrows to simplify the search for information, all sorts of tips. With them, the user may navigate the site and choose, searching for necessary goods. The potential client impression directly depends on how successfully you work at the choosing stage and arranging navigation. After all, poorly executed navigation often repels and discourages being in the application. A person goes to a regular site.
Common examples would be a slider, breadcrumb, search field, tags, pagination, icons.
The second important role will be to attract the right attention. After all, any design element adds convenience and beauty, an important aesthetic component.
Tip 1
Don’t go overboard with the quantity. This point is especially true for mobile applications.
Tip 2
Since these are important design elements, simplify their appearance or choose ready-made, more concise options, especially when it comes to icons and tags.
What is Important in Using Containers
This component brings together the parts of the entire design of the external view. It acts as a link for all other ingredients. It’s of great importance and benefit, as it stores elements of the correct and, one might say, reasonable width, taking into account the size of the user’s screen.
This component is designed cleverly to adapt to the screen width on which it’s viewed. This step refers to the design adaptability to different display sizes because all smartphones are different in their parameters and resolution type.
Keep in mind that the width of the Containers is determined programmatically, taking into account the size of the screen width.
Information Components: Tricks About Texts and Appearance
Partial appearance data helps visitors get the information they need. Moreover, the process occurs at the right time, when it takes certain knowledge to assimilate. Among the common examples are:
- tooltips,
- icons,
- progress bar (displays a person at some step now when receiving information),
- notifications,
- message boxes (allows to evaluate information before he performs some action or choice),
- modal windows (call to interact with the given field before returning to the main page or the desired section).
Trick 1. Maximum simplicity in introducing needed information. Texts should be clear. No need to write ornate phrases. After all, this is where people get the news. Simplicity led and presentation – the main key in communicating with the audience.
Trick 2. If you look at the design of such, you see the manifestation of conciseness. Therefore, it’s worth choosing to use simplicity, clarity, and background colors in content and appearance.
Where to Search Ready-made UI themes
Creating unique and new icons, information blocks, pop-up windows, and other important details you can delay for quite a long time. This slows the launch of a new website or smartphone app indefinitely. This isn’t an easy task when you need to draw your options and present them to the management.
Fortunately, there are ready-made solutions for such a problem – UI themes. If we get a little familiar with the terms and basic elements, let’s figure out the themes and templates.
They are ready-made versions of both individual design parts and completely ready-made layouts. The latter, in turn, fell in love with customers since they could use products in the form in which they were made. They are stylish and modern. Including the layouts are flexible, easily editable, and even people who don’t know the basics of programming can use them.
As far as UI themes are concerned, there are core packages to offer. They include different parts to put together a good, beautiful, presentable solution for a website. Of course, these are not all parts, but specific ones that allow you to add a variety of navigation, information blocks, sliders and create a unique look.
TemplateMonster – The Simplest Marketplace
Several large sites can sell good, high-quality modern products to create a full-fledged functional website. TemplateMonster is one of them. Below we’ll take it as an example and consider how and in what way it’s better to look for the coolest, gorgeous, modern propositions.
Firstly, there are a lot of offers on such huge portals. Even by going to the desired section, you see hundreds of options. How to find exactly yours? If you want to buy a ready-made template, the situation is simpler. You should select the CMS (WordPress, Shopify, PrestaShop, Joomla, or even WooCommerce). Then filter the required business line on the left. Voila, it turns out to be a shorter list. In addition, go and see the useful, impressive, attractive Demo.
If you are a web developer looking for UI themes with elements, you need to find the section in the Graphics menu and press Web Elements. You’ll see a mind-blowing list of over 1400 versions for purchase.
Secondly, don’t ignore special offers. If you work in an agency, you appreciate the integrated approach and buying bulk for several projects. For TemplateMonster, it’ll be MonsterOne. The offer gives unlimited downloads, a lifetime license to use, new updates of propositions every week. The fee per month is approximately $ 7, which isn’t a high cost by the standards of our time.
Secrets of Using The Website
Let’s be honest. You spend a couple of days searching for the right product. To save time and help make a purchase faster, better and profitable, we prepared a couple of tips.
Lifehack 1
Decide how critical the development novelty is to you. There is a great opportunity to select the latest, newest from the counted products if it’s essential. Look at the description. It contains the number of downloads. However, the responses of people who bought will be most revealing for you. Don’t be afraid you aren’t the only owner; there won’t be the same design as other buyers. Each person plans the layout appearance.
Lifehack 2
Read reviews. On the marketplace, you often filter out products that have received more stars. This area is a rating inside TemplateMonster, where people write their impressions, meaning, the experience of a particular purchase after using it.
Lifehack 3
Don’t set limits on your budget. This will greatly reduce the efficiency of the search. If you lower by $1, you may not see the propositions you have been looking for for so long. You have never done it since entering the framework for the budget.
Lifehack 4
Don’t be lazy. You are ordering important details for the completed app image. Take the time to check out the proposals previews the developers are posting. Often there are too many pictures on the pages that influence customer decisions.
Lifehack 5
Pay attention to the developer’s company. Among firms may be new companies with extensive experience. You order not a ready-made layout but point solutions. So it’s important to look at the preview appearance and the technical description (as far as it fits). And the experience will be more indicative of an integrated approach in design. Young firms may create truly chic, fresh, original UI themes.
Lifehack 6
Color schemes matter. It’s very cool that it’s possible to choose the main colors in the filter. No need to waste time browsing irrelevant offers. Remember that if the logo is red, it isn’t necessary to box yourself in and look for neutral white, gray, black. You may choose matching tones, and then the finished layout looks very original. For example, you take a white background and add purple accents to red (especially for women’s products). Although this, of course, is already a matter of taste and a broad vision of the brand concept.
Try to use the tips and find a suitable offer here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are UI themes?
It’s a set of important details used to create and improve the site’s appearance.
Why are paid UI themes better?
They are more fashionable and are downloaded by fewer people. Therefore, you are more likely to create a unique look and feel for your mobile app or store.
Where to find UI themes?
One example of a good site would be TemplateMonster. There are similar companies. However, it’s worth considering the experience and breadth of choice in this particular marketplace.
How to choose UI themes?
Combine ready-made components with your corporate symbols, the main company colors. Choose those tones that are customary to use in your activity field. For medicine, cold shades are more suitable, inspiring calm and confidence in visitors.
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