This brief Vault of the Incarnates raid guide provides the key information about WoW Dragonflight’s initial raid instance.
Entering the Instance
Players can enter the instance through a door in the large building near the eastern coast of Thaldraszus. There is a flight point in its vicinity.
Cross-Faction Raiding
Alliance and Horde players may team up to take on this instance in any mode right from the beginning.
Conditions for Hall of Fame
People seeking to join the VotI Hall of Fame need to overcome the Mythic instance in a party with 16 or more members belonging to one guild.
Vault of the Incarnates Encounters
Eight encounters make up the core of this instance:
- Eranog;
- Terros;
- Sennarth;
- Kurog;
- Primal Council;
- Dathea;
- Diurna;
- Raszageth.
The Vault of the Incarnates boss order above is not fully linear. Having resolved encounter 1, players could proceed to 2, 3, and 4, or they could elect to go after 5, 6, and 7 first. Either way, their run will conclude with the same endboss in 8. More details on the lore and the mechanics of these encounters may be read in the Vault of the Incarnates dungeon journal.

Vault of the Incarnates Raid Skip
Heroes can pick up a task called Break a Few Eggs in the Clutchwarren section of this instance. It calls for them to defeat Diurna and pick up pieces of her weapon three times. After turning all three pieces in, they will gain the option to avoid most encounters, skipping to 7 after 1. Note that this must be done individually for each mode.
Note on Group Loot and Trading
Starting with VotI, Personal Loot has been replaced by a revamped Group Loot mechanic in raids. There are some exceptions like certain crafting ingredients. Participants are now permitted to trade without restrictions while this activity is underway.
Vault of the Incarnates Item Levels
The Vault of the Incarnates item level spread varies depending on the mode:
- Vault of the Incarnates Raid Finder: 376-385;
- Normal: 389-398;
- Heroic: 402-411;
- Mythic: 415-424.
Regardless of the mode, encounters can be distributed between several tiers based on their loot grade. The gear yielded by 4 and 6 always has six more levels compared to that of 1, 2, 3, and 5. 7 and 8 loot has three additional levels on top of those six.
Vault of the Incarnates Unique Drops
There are several exceptional Vault of the Incarnates drops that are less likely to drop and always tied to the same encounters:
- Seal of Diurna’s Chosen: A ring coming from Eranog that allows its user to ignite targets by inflicting Fire damage;
- Whispering Incarnate Icon: A trinket belonging to a Primal Council member, providing a bonus determined by the primary attribute of the user’s spec. It has a chance to temporarily copy the bonuses of wearers with different primary attributes when they are close;
- Seal of Filial Duty: A ring that can be taken from Diurna, giving its wearer temporary damage absorption after they use Fire attacks;
- Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky: A bow dropped by the endboss, which provides up to five stacks of an offensive speed buff when used repeatedly against one foe.
Vault of the Incarnates Bind-on-Equip Rules
In VotI, BoE pieces can be obtained exclusively from named mini-bosses. Until later in the season, the Mythic mode will offer those items as BoP instead. Other modes offer those rewards as BoE from the start.
Vault of the Incarnates Class Set
The five later encounters (other than 1, 2, and 5) can each drop special tokens that players can exchange for equipment in the latest Class Sets. Those gear items provide different spec-related bonuses to wearers if worn in sets of two or four.
Vault of the Incarnates Achievements and Rewards
Players can also acquire several exclusive cosmetic items and achievements:
- A full-body Proto-Drake customization option that may be unlocked by beating the final encounter in any mode;
- A Glory achievement with an attached Raging Magmammoth ground mount, earned by completing challenges throughout the instance;
- A title for adventurers who have attained the Hall of Fame;
- A special animated effect and progress in earning the seasonal endgame activity achievement after the last encounter has been resolved on Mythic;
- Different Feats of Strength for finishing the endboss on Heroic and Mythic while VotI is still the most recent raid;
- Iskaara Trader’s Ottuk Mount, obtained by turning in certain items from encounters 2 and 7.
Vault of the Incarnates and the Great Vault
The thresholds for unlocking more raid prize options in the Great Vault through VotI are killing two, four, or six bosses in the week.
How CakeBoost Can Help
Want help with this instance? CakeBoost’s Vault of the Incarnates Boost catalog has everything that busy players may need. Pro boosters can complete full VotI runs in any mode or help farm specific encounters with services like Raszageth Kill Boost. They can ensure the acquisition of all desired rewards. Selfplay services may also be arranged for those wishing to experience the instance without the hassle of putting together a party.
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