Walks in the fresh air are necessary parts of the baby’s life and a mandatory item on any mom’s to-do list. However, like any other case, they require certain organising efforts. So, that is what we are going to speak about in this article.
How to Dress a child for a summer walk?
Summer often delights us with good weather. So, if the weather is very hot, it is better to plan a walk with a child in the morning, before 10-11 o’clock, or in the evening, after 17 o’clock, when the heat is not so noticeable. Nevertheless, do not forget, that before dressing a child for a summer walk, it is very important to take a look at the thermometer: if the temperature is +30C and above, the baby should have a minimum of clothes – cotton shorts or a skirt, and a T-shirt will do.
Little fashionistas will feel comfortable in sundresses and dresses. As for the babies up to a year old who have not yet stood up on their legs, you can dress them in bodysuits or light sliders with vests.
Choosing an outfit for a summer walk with the kids, you should remember the following rules:
- Try to choose clothes made of natural fabrics;
- Do not forget about a hat for the baby – something should cover the child’s head from the sunlight;
- For active children, choose shoes with a closed heel – comfortable sandals give maximum freedom in movement;
- If the sun is shining it is hot during the day, but it may get colder in the evening. So, take something worm from the clothes, that you can dress on the baby if it become colder;
- The main thing during a summer walk is to monitor the condition of the child – do not let it overheat or freeze;
- Dress him according to the weather based on the current temperature outside.
What to take for a walk in the summer?
How to plan everything and put it in a walking bag.
– For babies under one year old
Be sure to take a dummy, wet wipes, a bottle of water and spare diapers. It is also advisable to have a sheet or a blanket to cover the baby, if it is necessary, and a curtain of light fabric on the stroller – for protection from the sun. As for the eating on the walk, take a mixture, and for children older than 6 months – take froots, vegetables or cookies with an apple, if the baby is already accustomed to such food.
– For a child over one year old
Children over a year old are usually very active, able to run and play outdoor games for hours. For older children, the first thing you should have is a bottle of clean drinking water, that having run under the sun, the child will definitely want to drink. Summer is the time of outventure, so let there be in stock a patch, some clean wipes and hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the sore immediately.
Naturally, you will need the most favorite toys at the walks: different shovels, molds for cakes, a doll, a truck – the child will decide, which toys will be the best. As for the light snack: an apple, juice or cracker will help the baby to satisfy his hunger.
The number of items you need depends on the time you plan to spend outdoors. Summer is a time when you can walk as much as you want. So, it is convenient to have a bag where all things for walking will lie. Pay attention to a Peekaboo nappy backpack, it is compact, but at the same time roomy, and has many pockets and sections.
You can also put paper napkins, antiseptic hand gel and plastic bags, which will be useful for storing used diapers and clothes. By the way, do not forget about the items for the mom: a magazine, a book or a favorite hobby, for example, knitting or embroidery. With them you will never think what to do when the baby falls asleep.
Where to go for a walk with a child in the summer?
There are a lot of options for walking in the hot season. A great place for a summer walk with a small child will be a park or a courtyard, where it is quiet and there is no noise from passing cars. It is great if there is a calm place with a bench nearby, where mom could feed the baby, change clothes if necessary, or just relax while he sleeps.
For kids who have already taken the first steps, the best way to spend time outdoors is to go to the nearest playground. Sandboxes, slides, swings – an active kid can find many interesting things to explore here. Besides, there is a great opportunity to communicate with peers and find a companion for games.
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